⁰⁸ dinner time with the autobots

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" Well

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" Well..." Jazz spoke up through the silence
" It was Sideswipe's fault" Jazz and the others pointed their digits at the silver frontliner. Aria sweatdropped, almost, the keyword ' almost' felt kinda bad for Sideswipe as the silver bot squawked in protest but stopped when he caught Aria and Sunstreaker's glares. Sunstreaker knew his brother was chaotic but he didn't expect the whole team to have a mini dirt battle and more surprising how Optimus somehow got dragged into the mess.

Aria rubbed her temple, frustration building up in her head as she forced a sweet smile at them but they weren't fooled by the smile as they could sense her dark aura seeping through as she listened to what happened while she and Sunstreaker were shopping.

Couple of hours before...

The mud ball misses the distracted yellow and black Autobot but unfortunately hits bullseyes on the face of the grumpy medic. Everyone was silent besides the organic bumblebee buzzing away from the flower into the clear, blue sky. Ratchet became blank for a second before shifting into a pure rage which made Sideswipe gulp.

" H-hey doc, um that shot was meant for bumblebee and..." Sideswipe stuttered, ignoring Bumblebee's angry protest of being the original target. The others sensing a war, slowly backed away, not wanting to be in the way of Ratchet the angry Hatchet.

" You better fragging pray to primus that you will be in one piece by the time Aria comes back from shopping!" Ratchet growled as he grabbed another wrench from primus knows where and started throwing at the silver mech.

Sideswipe trips on a large branch which makes Ratchet topple on top of him but Ratchet accidentally makes Ironhide face plant onto the pile of dirt too. He slowly lifts his head before snapping his head at the pile of Autobots on top of him " Get your fragging afts off me"

Optimus tried to stop their fight but Jazz doesn't hear him and throws one that was meant to be at Sideswipe but hits the leader instead, thus continuing the soil war. Sideswipe, Jazz, and Bumblebee ran away from the two cranky mechs as they ran into the house, hiding behind the couches.

Optimus sweat drops at his team, entirely done with everything. " Dear Primus give me strength" he muttered, rubbing his temple on his helm.

" So while I clean, you guys should probably freshen yourselves up," she said, emphasizing that they are covered in dirt and grime. One by one they went upstairs, saying sorry to her until Aria and Sunstreaker were the only ones in the living room. Aria sighed as she walks over to one of the laundry rooms and grabs a mop and fills the mop bucket with soap and water.

" Here, let me help" Sunstreaker grabbed the mop and started to wipe the dirty floor.

" You don't have to" Aria slightly protested but he cut her off, " I insist since you bought the art stuff" he softly smiled a bit before mopping the floor. She started to rearrange the furniture back to the original spots as she vacuums all the soil from the couch and the rug.

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