¹⁷ tipsy? no, completely drunk? yes

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Everyone had finished swimming, Aria put on a white sundress with an ivory cardigan, she didn't notice the stares and the slight blush from the Autobots but her brother did as he glared at them. 

Everyone was chatting to one another as her brother was cooking a Korean BBQ which was her favourite meal as the others enjoyed the Korean cuisine as well. Optimus was having a conversation with Ratchet as the others were chowing down the food. Aria smiled as she made grilled pork lettuce wrap, as she turns to Ratchet who raises his eyebrows at her.

" Here try it" she beams as she was about to hand feed him, her cute gesture made him blush as he obliges and opened his mouth. As Aria was hand-feeding Ratchet, the others looked at him in jealousy and were pouting. Aria's friends were amused and snickered quietly, luckily Johan was focusing on not letting the meat burn on the grill.

Ratchet finished chewing the piece of food as he beamed at Aria, " Your human food consumptions are indeed delicious" he happily said as Aria noticed a sauce on the side of his lips. She gently dragged her thumbs over the side, Ratchet slightly tensed as she finished wiping off the sauce, " You had sauce on the side of your mouth" she shyly mumbled as she focused back on eating her meal, not seeing the flushed face of the medic.

Drinks were now poured as Tyler grabbed himself a beer bottle as Lara had grape-flavoured soju, " It's called somaek, it's beer mixed with soju." Johan explained as he made one for Sideswipe as he took a sip from the golden, amber liquid. He beamed, " It tastes kinda like high-grade Energon" he chirped as he finished the rest of the cup as Sideswipe drank two more. Johan and Aria gawked at him as he finished off his fifth cup.

" Damn, you can hold your alcohol well, usually one or two glasses are enough to make people completely drunk" Johan said as he poured another glass for everyone. Optimus was slightly wary of the alcohol but after peer pressure from the others, especially Sideswipe and Jazz, he reluctantly drank the liquid courage.

Everyone soon drank and had fun as the music was playing in the background. Lara was already wasted as she giggled and was busy poking Tyler's cheeks just to get a reaction out of him as he just sighed tiredly, drinking the beer bottle. Sideswipe and Jazz thought it would be a great idea to do a drinking race to see how quickly they could drink the vodka, let's say Jazz passed out on his tenth shot.

After more than a couple of drinks, Bumblebee pinched Aria's cheeks which surprised the girl, " Who this cutie? If being sexy was a crime, you'd be guilty as charged" he slurred as he winked toward the flustered girl before passing out. Soon Sideswipe and Sunstreaker passed out as well, the only people conscious were Aria, the Autobot leader, weapon specialist and the grumpy medic though they were now becoming drunk.

Aria felt the alcohol slowly affecting her but not enough to make her really tipsy. She gazed at the others, her brother told her that he had to go to the bathroom as Dino drove the passed-out Lara and Tyler to their homes. She saw Optimus and Ironhide, both smiling for no apparent reason as they struggled to sit up straight, trying not to topple to the ground, they were now completely intoxicated.

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