Katsuki looked down at her and grinned, actually grinned, shaking his head, "You are the most ridiculously dramatic-"

"Jaw droppingly stunning." Costa snickered.

"-Sarcastically stupid-"

"Hilariously brilliant."

"-dumbass." He scowled at her before closing his hand over her mouth. She squealed, her hands flying up to try and pry his wrist away from her face but he had a deadlock on her. His eyes suddenly widened as he felt multiple little sharp pains prick at his skin. He winced and ripped his hand away from her mouth, glancing down at the evident teethmarks pressed into his palm. He balked at her, "Did you just bite me?"

"What, you don't like it?" Costa's lips curved into a flirty smile, her eyes blinking up at his like a vixen targeting its prey. "You can bite me back if you want."

He was in over his head with this girl.

"Yeah?" He smirked, dipping his head under her jaw to kiss her. She hummed, closing her eyes and letting her head lull back. He slid a wandering hand down her bare waist, nipping at her earlobe with his teeth. She bit her lip, her chest rising to press against his. His eyes rolled back as he felt the vibration in her throat as she spoke. "Hmmm, let's just stay like this."

"School." He said with his teeth still clamped over her earlobe. She threaded her fingers through his hair. "Who cares?"

"I sure fucking do and you do too, glow stick."

She let out a groan of annoyance, dropping her hands just as Katsuki pulled his head away from her neck. Their noses brushed and Costa smiled at the mischievous glint in his vermillion gaze, paired with the wild sharpness of his bedroom hair. He looked like he'd just tussled around in the sheets, all flushed and messy and lustful. Costa snorted cause well, he sorta did tussle around in the sheets.

"What time is it?" Katsuki asked as he grazed his lips over hers. She heated down below, her hands running down his chest sensually as she breathed in his exhale. "Mmm, don't know, don't care."

He rolled his eyes at her before reaching toward her dresser. She kissed his neck, trailing her lips down to his collar bones and nipping at both. But Katsuki let out a loud curse as he took in the time on her alarm clock. "Shit, we gotta get ready now."

Costa had never clutched something so fast in her entire life, her arms reaching out and tugging Katsuki closer, trapping him in. She groaned in annoyance, "Noooo...."

"Costa, let go of me."

She pouted her bottom lip out but rolled her eyes and complied, loosening her hold on him. He'd used her name, how could she argue? "Can we spare like five minutes?"

"Given we have to leave in fifteen, no we cannot."

Her eyes widened and she immediately sat up, glancing over her shoulder at the alarm clock. "Shit," She said with an irritated look. "Damn it."

He leaned forward and pecked her lips before slipping out of her sheets, out of her bed, completely naked. Costa's eyes widened as she took in all of him, in the light of day. She had seen a lot of him the night before but it was dark and she didn't have the time to really stare and appreciate him.

The Wildcard - Katsuki BakugouWhere stories live. Discover now