The Funeral

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    It's been a couple of days since my uncle Tyler passed away. I was spending most of my time trying to be there for my mom. Anything that she needed I was doing. She was so busy being worried about Aunt Linda that she wasn't taking care of herself.

I couldn't believe that Uncle Tyler was gone. Aunt Linda was going to be leaving the hospital tomorrow and the funeral was the day after that. My dad sat down next to me and let out a breath.

"Your mom is taking a nap. I had to fight her to get her to lie down. She is so worried about Linda. I told her she will be of no use to Linda if she doesn't take care of herself first."

I nodded my head. "This really sucks dad."

He nodded his head. "Yea, it sucks. Tyler invited me to his wedding, and I got to share in one of the most romantic dances with your mom ever. I like to give him a little credit for us getting back together. He was always my friend no matter what was going on with your mom and me. I'm going to miss him."

I watched my dad wipe at his eye really quick, but I wasn't going to say anything. Uncle Tyler was his friend, and he needs to grieve. I patted his shoulder and we just sat in silence.


I threw up my hair and sighed. I hate that today we were going to be burying my Uncle Tyler. Carrie came in and hugged me.

"I'm so sorry Peyton. I thought that this would end on a happier note. I can't imagine the pain you all have to be facing."

I pulled back and wiped my eyes. 

"Today I need to be strong for my Aunt Linda. She's going to need me to be strong for her."

She nodded her head. "Alright, well are you ready?"

I nodded my head, and we headed next door where everybody was gathered. When we walked in, I saw my mom along with Parker's mom and Aunt Linda on the couch. I went over to my aunt and placed my hand on her shoulder. She reached up and placed her hand over mine. She looked so lost, I didn't like the blank look in her eyes.

"Thank you, honey. I appreciate the support. I love you very much."

"I love you too Aunt Linda."

I walked over to the kitchen and saw Parker leaning against the counter. I walked over and wrapped my arms around him. I felt his arm go around me.

"Hey, Tink."

"Hey, Parker."

Just then I heard his girlfriend, Monica.

"Oh, Parker honey! I'm so sorry!"

She pushed me back and wrapped her arms around his neck. He looked stunned for a moment before he mouthed sorry to me.

I backed up and let them have their moment and went back into the living room to sit with my parents.


 I felt Monica's arm tighten around me and I slowly pulled them off of me. She pulled back and looked up at me. She was dressed in a black dress, but it was kind of inappropriate for a funeral. 

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