She's moving in

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   I can't believe that Peyton has stood by me through all this. Amber was getting more pissed by the second. At school Peyton never left my side and it made me love her all the more.

At my locker, Amber came up to me. "Hey baby, is there a reason you are hanging out with that bitch instead of me?"

I pushed her hand off my shoulder. "Maybe because like I've told you a million times, she is my friend and comes first. Now could you please leave me alone?"

She took a step back and crossed her arms. 

"Parker you cannot talk to the mother of your child that way! I mean that's just not right!"

Before I responded I heard Peyton come up behind me. 

"Oh please, Amber. Anyone can say that they are pregnant. I'm not going to let you ruin Parker's life when it's probably not even true. So, until you have proof just stay away from my friend, got it!"

Peyton didn't even give Amber a chance to respond. She just grabbed my arm and we walked away.

I leaned my head down. "Thanks for the save Tink."

She shrugged her shoulders. "Anytime!"

I was eating dinner with my family when I decided that it was time to tell them the truth. After I placed my plate in the sink I turned toward my parents and took a deep breath. Before I even got a chance to speak the doorbell rang.

My mom stood up. "I wonder who that could be."

She walked to the door and then I heard my mom yell. "What the hell are you doing in my house?"

My dad rushed up and towards the door and I followed him.

I was not prepared for Amber and her mother to be standing at my door.

Her mom walked right past my mom and straight towards my dad.

"Damon baby, it's so good to see you! I see time has done you well."

My dad put his hand up. "Get away from me right now!"

My mom walked over to my dad and put her arm through his.

"Please tell me what you are doing in my house Mylie? Because last time I checked we want nothing to do with you."

Mylie answered my mother while staring at my dad. "Well, you see we are going to be a family soon. And I just cannot wait."

My parents looked so confused and Amber and her mom were looking smug as ever. I felt like I was going to pass out.

Amber came up and stood next to me. "I don't think that Parker has gotten a chance to tell you yet, but we are going to be having a baby!"

Somebody please just kill me now!


    I pull into my driveway and see some people bringing luggage into Parker's home. I wonder if Aunt Linda and Uncle Tyler are staying there.

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