Good-Bye Party

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   It was 4 years later, and Parker and I have still been spending so much time together. Jeremy has been leaving me alone and I'm wondering if he's just waiting for the right time to pounce. But I didn't have to worry about that right now, because my sister was getting ready to leave for college and I was sad. I was going to miss her, and her clothes.

We were having a going away party for Sadie, and my mom and Aunt Saint went all out. There was so much food and a ton of guests coming. I walked up to Sadie's room and watched while she went through her clothes, trying to find something to wear. 

I swear everything she owned was thrown all over the bed. I leaned against the door and crossed my arms. I smiled while I watched her before I figured I'd help put her out of her misery.

"Hey Sadie, need some help?" She turned to look at me and nodded her head.

"Yes, I just can't seem to find anything to wear! Do you know mom invited my crush? I have to look my best tonight!"

We spent almost 2 hours going through clothes and finally, we found her the perfect outfit. I put some of her clothes away and sighed. Sadie walked over to me and put her hand on my shoulder.

"Hey sis, what is wrong? You seem a little out of sorts."

I walked over to her bed and sat down. "Oh Sadie, it just sucks a little bit. I mean I'm about to be a teenager and I won't have my big sister to give me advice. I'm just going to miss you."

She sat down next to me and put her head on my shoulder.

"Hey, I'm still going to be there when you need me. If you have a question, don't hesitate to face time me and we will talk it out. I will give any wise advice I have that you need, ok?"

I nodded my head and then we hugged. Even though we could still face time, I was going to miss her being here in person. I will take what I can get though.

Parker just turned 13 a couple of months ago, and I noticed that he always had a bunch of girls following him around. I still saw him as my Parker, he didn't seem very different to me. See, this is why I needed my sister around! I couldn't talk about this kind of stuff with my mom, it would be too weird!


I was at the baseball fields with my friend Zak. We always hung out in the back fields, so people didn't really bother us.

Zak walked up to me. "Hey, where is Peyton? I mean you two are always together."

I gave him a side look. "We aren't always together. We just happen to hang out a lot. But if you must know, she is helping our moms and her sister. They are getting Sadie's going away party ready for tonight."

He grabbed some rocks and walked over to the creek next to the field. We would just hang out here and throw rocks in the water or fish and it was a fun, relaxing time.

"I noticed that you got a note from another girl today. Was it another 'do you like me or not' note?"

I nodded my head and then sighed. "Yes, it was, but of course I just ignored it. I mean I don't like girls right now. I don't understand why they keep bugging me!"

Zak laughed, "According to my dad, they are at that age where they have crushes. He says at this age, there might be hand-holding and sitting together at lunch. When that happens, it means you are boyfriend and girlfriend."

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