Separate Ways

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I don't know how long I was sitting in a cell, but the next thing I know a cop is opening the door.

"Mr. Morello, you're free to go."

I sat up and wiped my eyes. It must have been my dad, but I hauled it out of there and headed straight for Peyton's place. I needed to see her and make sure she was alright. I can't believe that we both admitted that we could have been together if I would have just been smart enough to go with her. I will forever kick myself for that dumb decision.

I made it up to her apartment and knocked. I stepped back and took a deep breath. Her neighbor popped her head out of her apartment and looked me up and down. Then she whistled.

"Damn, if I had a man like you that defended my honor, I would die a happy woman."

"Thank you, ma'am."

Just then Carrie opened the door and didn't look too happy.

"Hey, is Peyton alright?"

She took a deep breath and blew it out.

"Yes and no, but I'm not allowed to tell you. She's in her room though."

I walked past her and knocked on Peyton's door. I heard her call out to come in, so I opened the door and walked in.

She walked up to me and wrapped her arms around me.

"Parker, I didn't think that you would get out so soon. Are you alright?"

She looked up at me and I cupped each side of her face. "I'm the one that should be asking if you are alright."

She nodded her head. "Yes, I'm fine."

"Good, I don't know why I'm out so soon either. They told me I was free to go and when I was getting my stuff, I asked why I was able to go thinking they would say because of my dad. They said that all the charges were dropped, and John was not going to pursue any legal action."

We stared into each other's eyes and all I wanted to do was kiss her, so I started to lean down. But she turned her head away and pulled back from me.

"Peyton, what's wrong?"

She turned away from me and then took a deep breath.

"Oh Parker, I have something that I need to tell you." She turned towards me, and her eyes looked so haunted. 

"After I tell you this, it will be the end of anything you and I could have ever had."

She pulled me to sit next to her on the edge of the bed and grabbed my hands. Then she took a deep breath and said something that shook me to the core.


I can't believe that John kept his word. He would only keep it though if I upheld my end of the deal.

I grabbed Parker's hands in mine and took another deep breath.

"Listen Parker there are some things you should know. I was at a party with Carrie and John, and I saw you on the tv. I saw that you were with Monica, and I got a little jealous. I got up and started dancing and drinking."

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