You are my best Friend

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*****This story is a spinoff from Unexpected Romance and Unexpected Reunion. Reading Unexpected Romance and Unexpected Reunion will give you a little bit better understanding of the characters but is not necessary. This can 100% be read as a standalone if you so choose! Please enjoy the story and don't hesitate to make comments and suggestions. I will take anything that will help improve my stories! *****


     "Come on Parker! Let's just leave her! We don't want to play with a girl!"  I felt the tears well up in my eyes, but I wouldn't give them the satisfaction of seeing me cry. I started to turn away, but Parker put his hand on my shoulder.

"Wait, Tink. Please don't go. I want you to play with us."  I turned my head to look at him. He was my best friend in the world, and I knew he meant what he said. But I shook my head.

"No, it's ok. Our moms want me to help them work on some recipes today anyway. You go have fun with your friends and we will see each other later."

I gave him a little shove. 

"And don't call me Tink!"

I'm a little shorter than I should be, and Parker has always said I remind him of a little Tinkerbell because she was small and feisty just like me, so he calls me Tink. I don't like it though because it reminds me that I'm small!

He didn't look like he believed me and was going to say something else, but I nodded my head and forced a smile.

"I'm serious Parker, go play with your friends I'll see you later."

He sighed and then nodded his head. "Ok Peyton, but you and I will play something later. Maybe some Jenga or something? I mean maybe I'll even let you win this time!"

I nodded my head. "Sounds good, and you won't have to let me win, I will beat you fair and square!" I turned and quickly walked away. When I thought I was a safe enough distance I turned and looked behind me. I watched as Parker grabbed his bike and he and his friends took off for the woods. I felt the tears fall as I turned and headed home.

When I walked in the door, I could smell that my mom and Parker's mom had already started without me. I walked into the kitchen.

"Mama, why are boys so stupid? I mean just because I'm a girl doesn't mean I can't do what they can do. Parker is the only one who is nice to me!"

My mom wrapped me in a hug. "Oh sweetie, boys just don't understand us girls. But you know that anything they can do we can do better, right?"

I nodded my head. "Yea, that is true." 

Parker's mom who I have known as my aunt my entire life since our mothers are so close, turned with a plate in her hand.

"Your mom is right Peyton. I mean they just don't understand that without us they would probably all waste away to nothing. I mean, who runs the world?"

And we all three screamed at the same time, "girls!" I started laughing, I admit I did feel a little better, but I still wish they wouldn't treat me so differently. Almost like I'm a freak or something. Well not Parker, Parker is the nicest person in the whole world, and he loves me, and I love him. At least as much as any 8-year-old can love somebody else, I guess.

After I tried some snacks, I took a handful of them, went up into my room and laid down on my bed, and thought about what Parker and the boys were doing.


I laid my bike down and walked up to my friends. "You know, you guys don't have to be so mean to Peyton. I mean it's not like she's some girly girl or anything. She can do everything we can. It's almost like having another guy around."

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