What Am I Going to Do?

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     It's been 2 days and Peyton wasn't talking to me. I knew I had to fix this, I just didn't know how. I did know where to start though.

I knocked on Amber's door and waited.  Her mom answered the door. This woman seriously gave me the creeps. 

"Well, hello handsome. Looking for me?" She leaned against the door and crossed her arms. She had this scary-looking smile on her face.

I shook my head. "No, I'm looking for Amber."  

She pushed off the door and pouted. I think she thought she was being sexy or something. I can attest to the fact that she wasn't.

"Well suit yourself. You're missing out." 

Just then Amber pushed in front of her mom and jumped into my arms. I was getting tired of her doing that.

"Oh baby, I knew that you would come around."

I set her down and heard her mom close the door.

"Listen, Amber, what the fuck were you thinking? Messing with Peyton's car. I mean that's low even for you."

I crossed my arms and waited for her reply.

"I was doing it for you. I mean I told you that if you weren't with me then bad things would happen. I'm hoping that you are here to make things right."

I took a step back and shook my head. "The complete opposite actually." 

I pulled out the recorder I had in my pocket and held it up.

She looked at it and look terrified. Good, that's what she should feel for messing with Peyton.

"Parker! Why would you do that? I thought that you loved me!"

I laughed and shook my head. "I already told you, Amber. I don't love you, I will never love you. Peyton will always come first. Now hopefully the time you are going to spend in jail will help you realize that."

I was a little smug, I can admit that. I crossed my arms and waited to see what she had to say. But what came out of her mouth wasn't what I was expecting. 

She placed her hand on her stomach and then looked up at me. 

"But Parker, you wouldn't want the mother of your child rotting in jail now, would you?"

I backed up, got in my truck, and went home. I knew she was calling after me, but I just wanted to go home.

I pulled up and walked inside. My mom and dad tried getting my attention, but I went straight to my room and closed the door. I laid down on my bed put my face in my pillow and screamed.


It's been three days since I yelled at Parker, and I felt horrible. After taking some time and cooling off I realized that I overreacted.

I was going to apologize to him at school today, so I waited by my locker hoping to see him walk by. 

"Hey, Peyton." I turned around and Zak was standing there.

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