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      It's been a week since Carrie and I did the restraining order, and I haven't heard anything from John which is good. Like I thought he would, his dad got involved and it got denied. I hope the police did talk to him and their telling him to stay away works for good.

I was in the library when Carrie ran up to me and wrapped her arms around me.

"Girl you will never believe what I just did for us!"

The librarian looked over at her and shooshed her.

"I'm a little scared to know what you did for us."

She sat in the seat next to me. "I just got us two tickets to the game between our baseball team and the one with the hottest baseball player in the world."

I froze because I knew exactly what baseball player she was talking about.

"That's right the Parker Morello! I am so excited I may just burst!"

She felt excited, I felt like I was going to pass out.

"I don't know if I want to deal with all of those people at the game. Can't we watch it on tv?"

She stood up. "No, we cannot watch it on tv. We are going to watch in person and hopefully get a chance to cop a feel or something."

I sighed because I knew there was no reasoning with her when she was this excited.

"Alright, we can go."

She stood up clapping her hands. "Thank you so much!"

The librarian shooshed her again and we both started laughing.

My mom sent me a text asking if I had time to come to her house.

I had nothing else to do and promised Carrie that I would be back in time to leave for the game.

When I got in the door. I saw Parker's parents. I ran up and gave them each a hug and looked around to see if Parker was there, but I didn't see him.

"I didn't know that you guys were going to be coming out here!"

My Aunt Saint hugged me again. "We go to all of Parker's games! So of course, we would come here and visit with my girls!"

"Well, I am so glad that you guys are here. I've missed you!"

My uncle Damon placed his hand on my shoulder and smiled at me. "Are you coming to the game with us?"

I shook my head. "My friend Carrie got us a couple of tickets. We were going to go together."

Uncle Damon waved his hand. "Nonsense! You guys are going to come to hang out in the box with us!"

I couldn't argue because it would be pointless, plus being in the box sounds like fun.

"Alright, let me go get ready with Carrie and we will meet you at the stadium."

They both nodded and went back into the kitchen and then I felt my body start to tingle. I knew what that meant. Parker was nearby. 

Sure enough, when I turned around Parker was walking down the stairs and he stopped when he saw me.

I waved like an idiot. "Hey Parker, long time no see."

He just stood there and stared at me. Finally, he smiled and ran up to me, and wrapped me in a hug.

"Peyton, how have you been?"

He spun me around a few times before finally putting me down. "I'm good, I missed you and can't wait to see you play today!"

"Yea, you haven't watched me play in forever. It will be nice to have my good luck charm watching my game."

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