College Time

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    "Peyton, wait up!" I turned around to see my friends Carrie and John coming up to me. I met them on the first day of college and we immediately hit it off. Carrie also turned out to be my roommate.

It's been a whole two years since I moved out here to college and I have loved every single second of it! My parents have moved down here closer to me. When I moved away, they started trying to work on them again. I know it hasn't been easy, but they figured moving away and getting a fresh start was just what they needed. 

Of course, my Aunt Saint wasn't too happy that one of her best friends was moving but I think she will be ok since my Aunt Linda and Uncle Tyler have moved into our old house. Parker wasn't too happy either to hear of my parents moving. 

I do miss him. I have only seen him twice since moving and our phone calls have become less and less frequent. It wasn't intentional but we both got so busy that one missed phone call turned into one missed week of phone calls, and it has been about 6 months since I've talked to him.

I still remember that night before I left, and it still gives me chills. The way his mouth felt on mine and how he took his time and made sure it felt good for me. And the way it felt when he......

"Hello, earth to Peyton!" Carrie was waving her hand in front of my face.

I shook my head and turned to look at her. "Sorry, lost in thought."

"Alright, well what I was asking is, are we going to this party tonight?"

I sighed. "I don't know, I mean I'm not a party person."

She put her hands together in front of her and started begging. "Aw come on, everybody goes to this thing watches the big game, and just has fun."

I sighed again and finally nodded my head. "Fine, I will go, but I'm not staying that long."

She started jumping up and down and squealing. John was just standing there watching our interaction.

She slapped his back. "John here can be your date. We can double date since I did find a date of my own!"

John started to shake his head. "I don't think Peyton wants to be stuck going on a date with me."

I waved my hand in the air. "Oh, it's fine John. I would love to be your date!"

Carrie clapped his hands. "Alright, then it's settled!"

We all walked to class, and I hoped this wouldn't be anything like the last party I went to.

Carrie was busy finding an outfit that was taking forever. I wasn't as picky as her. I threw on some tight jeans and a blue sleeveless shirt. Then I straightened my hair and did my makeup, and I was good to go.

When we arrived at the party, I saw most of the people gathered around the tv in the living room.

John leaned in. "You want a drink?"

I nodded my head. "Yes, thank you." 

I watched as he walked off and then turned towards the tv to see what game everyone was watching. I figured it was a football game since that's what most college people are into.

When I looked at the screen though I saw that it wasn't football, it was baseball. This made me start to miss Parker. I didn't know if he was still playing ball, but I hoped so because it was something that he loved to do. I heard one person yell out.

"Oh, man! That newbie is doing great. I mean the guy's stats already are ridiculous! He's going to make it to the pros in no time!" 

I found a seat and watched the players warming up and I couldn't believe my eyes when they stopped on one player who was throwing the ball around.

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