Hikari VS Yozora/Hiromi's revelation

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At the nighttime version of the Final World, Hikari woke up and looked around. "This place..." Then, she looked at herself. "At least...I'm all here." Finally, Hikari noticed that no one is here and shouts, "Heeey! Is anyone out there? Hellooo!"

As Hikari listens, a voice spoke. "Hey." It became sightly loud. "Hey."

Hikari was relieved as she looked up. "Who's that?"

"Where are you?" The voice asked.

"Over here!" Hikari shouted as she ran over to a stranger figure which was a young man.

"I see you," the young man said as he walked over to Hikari.

Hikari was surprised as she looked at the young man. She knew that he looked familiar. "Hey, aren't you—"

"You know me?" The young man said looking curious.

Hikari remembered what Rex had mentioned back at Toy Box. "Yeah, you're Yozora, right?"

Yozora was surprised. "How do you know that? Who are you?"

"I'm Hikari," Hikari introduced. "And actually...there's something I have to ask you—"

Yozora gasped. "Hikari? You're Hikari?"

Hikari was amazed. "Huh? You know who I am?"

"Sure, I've heard of you," Yozora said calmly.

Hikari frowned a bit. "If you're here, then this can't be the real world, can it? But wait, that girl, she told me about you. Maybe you are real after all."

Yozora looked slightly angry. "Are you done? No, this isn't the real world, and I am here. But this isn't what I really look like. How'd you recognize me as Yozora?"

"What are you asking me about?" Hikari asked, looking a bit scared.

"Why are you using Hikari's name?" Yozora asked.

"Because...I am Hikari," Hikari frowned. "And I'm a Princess of Kingdom Hearts."

"If you are who you say, and it was fate that brought us here..." Yozora clenched his fist. "...then...my path is clear." He summoned his gun-like weapon.

"What?" Hikari gulped as Yozora aims his weapon at her and the scenery changes into a cityscape with lots of building, similar to Shibuya. "Hey! Wait!"

	"I accidentally wandered into this place, and went through some trials," Yozora explained

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"I accidentally wandered into this place, and went through some trials," Yozora explained. "Then, I was told to "save Hikari.""

Hikari's eyes widened. "Huh?! Then what's with the weapon?"

Yozora summons a red glowing sword and prepares for battle. "Time to end this."

Hikari summoned her Counterpoint Keyblade and battles Yozora for the first time. She did her best by dodging his attacks.

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