You've Got a Friend in Me/Hikari's parents ALIVE?

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After Hikari regroups with Sora, Donald and Goofy, the four left Twilight Town and entered a new world called Toy Box.

At Andy's room, Hamm, the piggy bank, and Rex, the toy dinosaur, was watching a commercial that has Verum Rex and Gigas until Woody, the pull-string sheriff, steps on the power button on the remote that turns off the TV.

"I was watching that!" Rex said.

"Ah, sorry," Woody said. "But this is no time for television, Rex."

Hamm looks at Rex. "Gotta say, that Gigas is pretty impressive."

"Really? I like Yozora most," Rex said.

Woody saw the Heartless appear on the floor and tackled Hamm and Rex.

"Woody? What gives?" Hamm frowned.

"Shhh!" Woody said to Hamm.

Buzz Lightyear, a toy space ranger, came to see Woody. "Are they back?"

	Woody looked up at Buzz

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Woody looked up at Buzz. "Shhhhhh!" Then, he and his friends looked at the Heartless. "All right, guys. Today we teach those masked intruders who's boss. Is everybody in position?"

"Wait. Hold on! I don't think I'm emotionally prepared!" Rex cried.

"Would you calm down? Don't worry. I got ya covered," Hamm said.

Woody and Buzz looked at Sarge and the toy soldiers and then at the three toy aliens and finally at each other.

"It's go time," Buzz said.

Under the bed, Sora, Hikari, Donald and Goofy began looking around.

"What in the world? Where are we?" Sora said.

"I don't know," Hikari said as she walked with the boys. Then, she noticed the furniture is gigantic. "Oh my gosh! Have we been shrunk?!" Then, she looks at herself and then at Sora, Donald and Goofy. "And...and look at us!"

"You know what the magic is for," Donald said. "We have to protect the world order!"

"Border?" Hikari said incorrectly.

"I said, "Order"!" Donald shouted.

"Uh, guys?" Sora said as he summons his Kingdom Key Keyblade and looked at the Heartless.

"Who's gonna protect the order from them?" Goofy asked, pointing to the Heartless.

"Heartless!" Donald and Hikari cried.

Hikari summoned her Counterpoint Keyblade as she charges towards the Heartless with Sora, Donald and Goofy.

On the bed, Woody is ready to attack the Heartless with Buzz, Hamm and Rex. "Okay. We go on three. One, two..."

Buzz saw something else on the floor and stopped his friends for a sec. "Wait!"

Woody looked at Buzz. "What are you doing?!" Then he looked down to see Sora, Hikari, Donald and Goofy fighting the Heartless. "Who are those guys?"

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