Aqua VS Xehanort's Heartless/Deep in the Hundred Acre Wood III

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At the End of Sea in the realm of darkness, Ansem the Wise was speaking with Aqua. "Tell me, will you stay here?"

"I can't shake the feeling that these waters touch another shore I've visited," Aqua replied.

	"I can't shake the feeling that these waters touch another shore I've visited," Aqua replied

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Ansem the Wise knew what Aqua was talking about. "The Destiny Islands."

Aqua was surprised as she looked at Ansem the Wise. "You've heard of them?"

Ansem the Wise nodded. "Yes. They are quite lovely—a far cry from this wasteland."

Aqua smiled as she looked at the waters. "I'm staying. Someone will come for me."

"These waters are the in-between of dark and light, its shores the margins of day and night," Ansem the Wise explained about the Dark Margin. "They brought you and I together, so why not also you and another?"

Aqua nodded. "Yes." As she continued to stare at the dark sky with Ansem the Wise, she heard footsteps and turns around. "Who's there?"

Ansem the Wise turned around and saw Xehanort's Heartless, Ansem, the Seeker of Darkness. "You..."

"Master...I must have a word with you," Xehanort's Heartless said.

Ansem the Wise pulled down his hood and glares at Xehanort's Heartless. ""Master"? So now you mock me."

Xehanort's Heartless continued speaking. "Do you recall those experiments of the heart you bade me cease? Among the test subjects was a girl. She had lost her memory, just as I had. can reconstruct memories. You did with Sora and Princess Hikari. I believe you have seen the girl's memories."

Aqua gasped after Xehanort's Heartless mentioned her old friend's name and then muttered to herself, "Hikari..."

"What is your question?" Ansem the Wise growled.

"Where did you put the girl?" Xehanort's Heartless asked.

Ansem the Wise was confused. "What girl?"

Xehanort's Heartless grinned at his ex-master and tries to grab him. "Very well. If you won't tell me here..."

Aqua knocked Xehanort's Heartless's hand away and glared at him. "I think you should go."


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