Reunion with the Twilight trio/Kairi and Haya's friendship with Lea

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After flying in the Gummi Ship, Sora, Hikari, Donald and Goofy had arrived at Twilight Town.

	"Hey, Hikari, I think we forgot to tell Master Yen Sid about other things that happened," Sora said

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"Hey, Hikari, I think we forgot to tell Master Yen Sid about other things that happened," Sora said.

"Gawrsh, I think you're right, Sora," Goofy nodded. "Should we go back?"

Donald sighed. "Typical Hikari."

"You mean about Maleficent and Xigbar?" Hikari asked. "No, the others have already got enough on their plates as it is. Why go stressing them out? The four of us know how to handle a couple of old adversaries, right?"

Donald frowned. "Yeah, I guess..."

"But doesn't that thing Pete bother you, Hikari?" Sora asked.

"The black box and the crystal piece?" Donald said.

Hikari giggled. "Come on, we're talking about Pete. That means it's probably no big deal."

"I don't know..." Goofy said.

Sora saw a tram pass by. "Oh, cool. The trams are still here!"

"Well, there's only one tram here in Twilight Town," Hikari smiled.

"Sora, Hikari, it hasn't been that long," Donald said.

"I know," Hikari whined. "But it feels like it."

"Maybe you two are feeling what Roxas and Kirihax feel 'cause they miss home," Goofy said.

Sora nods. "Actually, I ran into Roxas in the Sleeping Worlds. It was like...seeing into his heart for the first time."

Hikari frowned. "How come I don't get to see Kirihax? Oh, right. I wasn't with you while the Organization put you in a second sleep."

"But she was here too with Roxas in the datascape, Hikari," Donald said to Hikari.

Goofy nodded. "Uh-huh. It was a test to see if your data versions were ready to face the hurt that both of ya carry inside."

Sora looks at Hikari. "Were we ready? We do know hurt."

"Yeah," Hikari nodded. "When we lost Riku and Kairi, and later when you lost your Keyblade, and Donald and Goofy had to go on without us like that... Having no one to turn to was the worst kind of hurt."

Sora smiled. "But that just shows how much our friends mean to us. Carrying around a little hurt can't be all that bad."

"That's right," Hikari said. "Hurting is part of caring."

Donald looked at Goofy. "They sound like Data-Sora and Data-Hikari did."

Goofy agreed. "Of course. Any Sora and Hikari are still Sora and Hikari."

"So wait..." Hikari said. "If Roxas and Kirihax feel something, then we're in the right place."

Sora nodded. "Roxas, Kirihax, we're gonna find you!"

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