Past Battle #4/Wait for my signal

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At the other battleground, Hikari and Lea are confronting Xemnas, Saïx and Xion.

"Well, I guess this was inevitable," Lea said sarcastically. "Who's the plus-one?"

Xemnas smirked. "Inevitable indeed. And this "guest" of ours has an old score to settle with you. You are a traitor of darkness, as it is of light."

	"Well, guess I can live with that," Lea said, being a little sensitive

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"Well, guess I can live with that," Lea said, being a little sensitive.

"It is a being of whom we have no memories," Xemnas explained about Xion. "A true Nobody, hailing from the edge of oblivion."

"The being before you was recreated...from the records that were left by Vexen, and the many experiments performed by Young Xehanort," Saïx finished.

Xemnas nodded. "It was erased from all memories, harbors absolutely no knowledge of who it really is. Even I had forgotten its existence. But like the others, I could not recall why. Truly, the perfect pawn created for this very battle."

Lea scoffed. "So, who is it?"

Saïx looked over at Hikari. "You called on the Princess of Kingdom Hearts. You must be desperate."

As Hikari glared at Saïx, Lea began gloating. "If I'm a traitor, then I guess Hikari here is the trump card."

Hikari was offended as she looked at Lea. "Hey!"

Saïx looked back at Lea. "So it's not desperation I see in you. It's foolishness...and lunacy."

"Huh?" Lea looked confused.

"Without the battle between the princess of Kingdom Hearts, the seven lights and thirteen darknesses, Kingdom Hearts requires the seven hearts and its princess," Xemnas said. "That is why we seek to destroy the guardians. Are you truly foolish believe you can defeat us?"

Lea clenched his fist as he glares at Xemnas. "What do you think?!"

Saïx smirked. "I think you'll lose, Axel."

"Yeah, right!" Lea huffed.

Xion heard Lea's Nobody's name and spoke. "...Axel."

"Even if you possess the strength, this being cannot be defeated by your hands," Xemnas said. "Even if...memories are lost from you both."

Lea clenched his fist and summons his chakrams. "All right... Let's find out!" He threw them at Xion who summoned two Keyblades to block the attack and catches them turning them into his Bond of the Blaze Keyblade. Then he noticed something familiar about those two Keyblades. "Wait... Those Keyblades..."

Hikari's eyes widened when she saw Xion wielding Counterpoint and Kingdom Key. "It's just like mine and Sora's."

Lea looked at Xion. "Are you—is that you, Roxas, Kirihax?"

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