Two Heroes.

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All Might headed back to the plant but the minute he turned, the building erupted into an explosion of smoke and fire. Car alarms went off, buildings around it fell apart and the gray smoke tinted the blackened night sky. All Might stood there in awe of the No, This wasn't supposed to happen!

"Toshi, we habe to go." Aizawa instructed. "We can't be here. the radiation will poison us." His words went unheard as he pulled on his arm. All Might, in quiet shock walked back into the now firey, toxic rubble to retrieve what was left of his daughter. The sheer volume of the blast made his ears ring and he didn't notice how much his lungs were suffering from the smoke...he just needed to get her out. Save her one last time.

She knew this was going to happen, she sacraficed herself so that her loved ones could stay safe. That was a burden no fifteen year old girl should ever carry. His heart mourned while his mind still held out the hope that some how...she was still...

He spotted her under the rubble, her eyes were closed and she had a little blood coming from her head, he tore the rubble off of her and picked her up. He carried her limp body out of the burning inferno and took flight, not even waiting for the ambulance to get there. Tears streamed down his face, he just wanted her to be okay.

"Sisu, please...please be okay." He glanced down at her as he landed at the nearest hospital, they rushed to her, taking her out of his arms. He went to floow the paramedics but one of them stopped him from getting any closer. "All Might, you have to be checked too. Trust us, we will take care of her."

They sat him down as they took his vitals, the shock not wearing off. He had just seen her... Once the check up was done, they found out that his body had been exposed to the radiation and took him into a special room to keep him away from everyone else. This was hell, all he wanted was to know if Sisu was alive!

They sealed him in an air tight room, completely secluded from everyone else. Once the quiet shock had left, his body had turned to flight mode and started fighting with the doctors and nurses, "SISU!" He shouted. "I need to see her!"

"You cannot be around anyone sir. You have radiation poisoning!" The doctor told him.

The struggle went on until they decided to sedate him, his muscles became weak and his eyes grew heavy. They laid him upon the bed and hooked him up to the proper machines before they put him under observation. All Might, the number one hero could never be a hero again.

Sisu was placed in a room next to his, they had found a very faint pulse but they presumed she wouldn't last the night. They were already preparing her for the morgue.

Aizawa had returned to UA and knocked on Deku's door, "Oh, hello Sensei. Is there something wrong?"

"There was an incident at the power plant, Sisu was there and so was All Might. There was a powerful explosion and the two of them are at the hospital now."

Deku's face fell into a sickly morbid expression, "Are they.."

"All Might is under observation and Sisu isn't expected wake up in the morning. I'm sorry, Midorya."

"But... that's her quirk, surely she is okay, right?"

"The explosion sight was tested for radiation and they founf no trace of it...which means, Sisu absorbed all the radiation whie she was inside, it only exploded when her body couldn't contain it any longer." Aizawa, feeling the same sadness, lowered his head in grief. "She was a good person."

Deku snapped his head up and locked eyes with his sensei, "She was amazing. She was the most fierce person I have ever met.." He held his face to sob. "Why her?"

Aizawa looked down at the green haired boy and hugged his shoulders to comfort him, They had lost the number one hero and the purest soul all in one night. Both of them started to cry in silence as Shota held Deku close to his shoulder to muffle his cries. "I know.." He told him gently. "I know."

"She didn't deserve any of this!" He screamed in his sensei's shoulder.

The two of them agreed not to say anything to the class until that morning, the pain all of the students would feel on top of losing Mawata would form a dark cloud of loss over the school. Deku returned to his room and called All Might, he didn't care that he was still in recovery, he just wanted to hear his mentor's voice. The call went to voicemail and Deku left a message for his beloved teacher.

He laid in his bed but his eyes were bloodshot from crying so hard, he waited for sleep to overtake him so that he could call all of this a dream but alas the sleep never came. Soon the class would know and then the whole school would know...then the whole city of Tokyo. The world would find out in the morning that The Symbol of Peace was no more. They would know that he would soon die from his poisoning, all for one girl that was known as a thief.

No one would know how much they loved each other, no one would know that both of them were willing to die for eachother just to see one another safe. Two heroes, trying to save each other in a push and pull tug of war that ended them both. The fact that no one would know the true Sisu Arakan, weighed heavily on Deku's heart as he laid there, wishing for his eyes to shut.

It was torment, realizing there was nothing he could do but sit and watch the two people most dear to him, deteriorate. Was this how Sisu felt all of the time? Living with the loss of someone so attatched to her soul?

My Hero Academia: Black Light.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora