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Sisu climbed up the brick wall of the warehouse and hopped through a busted out window. The sun was getting ready to set and she had to work quickly. She wandered around hoping to find a maintenance closet, she really needed those tools. She heard talking on the other side of the far door at the end of a long hallway. Curious, she crept her way to the door and peeked through the crack.

"That green haired bitch from yesterday must have been some sort of spy from the pro hero agency. How else would she know to pick pocket me of all people." Shigaraki fumed. "When I get my hands on her I'll watch her turn to dust." A shot glass he hand in his hands disintegrated and the ash fell to the counter top.

Wait...was that the same crazy looking man who caught her stealing those drugs? What a cry baby, poor guy got his ego bruised. She stifled a chuckle and kept listening. A tall guy with patchwork skin was boredly sprawled out on the couch, throwing a pocket knife up in the air and catching it.

"How many times are you going to brood in one day, boss?"

"Shut the hell up." Shigaraki hissed. "Did you even go looking for her?"

"I did. But you're trying to find a needle in a haystack. Do you realize how many girls look like that in Tokyo? What? Do you want me to kidnap every one that fits that description?"

"If that's what it takes."

"We would be drawing too much attention to ourselves...besides, that would make us serial killers and that's way too messy." Dabi shuddered.

"We can't be picky about our options, Dabi. We have to do something, that formula is still out there."

"Why can't you just admit you lost it and stop taking it out on the girl you claimed stole it from your musty hoodie pocket."

The door creaked and the men cocked their heads towards the sound. Dabi sat up, gripping his knife, Shigaraki stood frozen, staring at his comrade to go and check it out. Before she had the thought to run, a rough hand clamped down on her shoulder, dragging her inside the hidden bar.

"Who the hell are you?" He demanded to know, taking a fist full of her hair only to pull the whole wig off. "Well, look at this. Looks like we have a little chameleon on our hands." He pulled her pink hair, making sure it was real and she yelped in pain.

"I'm sorry, I got lost and I-"

"Got lost? Where were you trying to go Huh?" Dabi asked. Shigaraki came out from behind the counter and brushed her hair from her face, silver eyes. Was this her?

"Now I feel like a damn fool. She has pink hair not green," he gripped her throat and Dabi let go of her to let the boss take out his anger. "I can never forget those eyes."

"She's the one who stole the serum?" Dabi asked.

"Listen, I didn't know that you-gah!" His grip on her neck grew tighter. "You'll know better when you're reduced to ash in my hands!"

"Hey guys, I got you a treat they had a special on meat buns and-" Toga came bursting through the door with a few bags of food. Thank God, a distraction. Sisu guarded his hand away from her throat and bolted towards the door, pushing Toga down as she went.

"Get after her!" The three villains ran after her as she zipped ahead of them like a jet plane. "You just messed with the wrong people you little brat! No one makes a fool out of the league of villains!" Toga screamed, Dabi smacked her hard in the face to shut her up. They just let the thief get away and now Toga is risking their hiding spot.

Her heart stopped. The League of Villains? She stole from the league of villains? This was bad. She kept running until she couldn't hear their footsteps anymore. She looked behind her, no one. She stopped for a minute to catch her breath, she raced back home, packing up everything she needed. She couldn't stay home, they could be still looking for her and if she was honest with herself, she was terrified.

In her flustered flurry, she left the apartment and went back into the night. Sisu knew where to go, she had been there a few times. By the time she reached the door step, it was almost morning. She collapsed upon the front portch, too weak from the panic that flowed though her. The fright from the event was too much and she passed out.

All Might woke from his sleep, refreshed and energized, he slouched on his robe and stepped into his slippers as he made his way to the kitchen to make a pot of coffee. He marveled at the lovely morning sky, it took on a pinkish hue as the sun played peek a boo with the horizon. He sighed, thinking back from yesterday, how happy Sisu looked when she sang to the people in the park. He poured himself a cup and walked to his front door to get the paper.He only hoped that she would substitute her crimes for a life of earning change. He would've offered her more than that but she was such a stubborn... this was an abrupt turn of events, "Sisu?" He dropped his coffee mug to check on her. "Sisu, can you hear me?" He checked her, she was still breathing.

He picked her up and quickly laid her on the couch, it must have been a cold night last night, her skin was as cold as ice. He put a heavy blanket over her to keep her warm.

She was paler than normal, was she sick? Sisu never came to him for anything. He didn't even think she knew where he lived. For her to come to him like this, she must have gotten herself in trouble.

My Hero Academia: Black Light.जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें