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Everyone was dressed and was waiting for Sisu to come out, she had taken a while and it looked like she was a little shy since she didn't want to come out. "Hey, Sisu. You okay in there?" She asked.


"Then come on out, hun. Let's see you." She encouraged.

The boys looked at each other, "We'll give you two some privacy. We will see you down there." Sato said before they all left the room. Mina waited until the door shut and knocked again, "They're gone now, Sisu. Open up."

Sisu opened the door and let her in, "Whats going on?" She said seeing Sisu hiding her body with her arms, she was shy.

"Sorry, I didn't want them to see..." She looked down at her waist.

"See what, hun?" She asked. Sisu removed her arms and let her see the huge scar that she had on her stomach. "Oh, my God. What happened?" She touched the scar and looked up at her.

"Its from that battle with All Might. It's still gross looking. Its healed and all but...I don't look cute."

"Shut up." Mina shut her down quickly. "We are heroes, we're allowed to have some battle scars." She told her. "Trust me, Sisu. It doesn't look that bad. Turn, I want to see you."

Sisu blushed bashfully and slowly turned for her, "Sisu, you look hot. Be proud of your body." She linked arms with her and led her out of the bathroom. "Come on, let's go show Deku how cute you look."

They grabbed their towels and headed to the pool which was surprisingly vacant of people, they had it all to themselves. The girls arrived and Sisu was immediately separated from Mina as Sato and Serto carried her to the pool and dropped her in, "I'll kill you for this!" She shouted when she surfaced. Sisu looked around, Deku wasn't anywhere to be found. She was suddenly tackled into the pool, a pair of strong arms around her waist.

"Deku!" She turned to see him, splashing him in the face.

"Hello." He laughed. He looked down at the scar on her stomach and then blushed at how gorgeous she looked in her bathing suit. What ever she did, she always made him red faced. "You look cute."

"Really?" She was taken by surprise.

"Yeah, really. I see your burn healed nicely." He poked her stomach to get her to not care as much, he saw it in her face.

"It still looks awful."

"I don't think so." He smiled. "Scars just mean you've done something with your life. Its nothing to be ashamed of." He wrapped his arms around her waist. "Did you think I would care?" He asked. Sisu nodded, still a little embarassed but the fireworks erupting on her skin from his touch made her relax into his frame. "Nothing would ever stop me from thinking that you're stunning." He looked down at her, now holding her against him securely.

She kissed him, her hand cradling the back of his head as she felt him lean in. The fireworks erupting in his stomach as they shared the moment. They were so invested in their kiss that they forgot the others were there until they were tackled into the water.

"You guys can make out later!" Mina ordered.

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