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"WAKE UP YOUNG SISU!" She heard a mighty voice bellow from the kitchen. She shot up from the loud sound and looked at him loading fruit into a blender. "Thanks for that wake up call." She rubbed her aching head.

"You're welcome. Go and get ready, we have a busy day ahead of us."

"On it, Big Guy. She stood from the couch, cracking her back in the process. She marched upstairs and dressed for the day. She found a pair of ripped jeans and a black tank top. She took out her new shoes that she had taken recently and braised her hair into one long rope. She came down to meet Toshi at the counter where he handed her a smoothie for the road.

"Thanks, big guy." She took it and they were off. They hopped into his dark blue Audi, driving towards the school.

"Nice car, Toshi." She looked at the inside of the car.

"Thanks, I worked hard to buy this thing."

"Uh Huh. I see what you did there, the old hard work pays off lesson." She crossed her arms. He glanced at her and chuckled.

"It's not a lie."

"Yeah, that only works for some people." She crossed her arms.

"Worked for you in the park, you're welcome by the way."


"What do you want to be when you're an adult, Sisu?"

"What? Are we in kindergarten now? What do you want to be when you grow up?" She asked back with a patronizing voice.

"I mean it, Sisu. What's your dream?"

"My dream?" She thought a moment. "...I never thought of it before." She felt a sense of hopelessness from the realization. "Dreams are for sleeping anyways." She looked out the window, not wanting to discuss the topic any further. All Mights heart broke on hearing her. She had no dream? She didn't have any ambition at all?

They arrived to the school and they walked the halls together, Sisu looked a little nervous, walking a little closer to Toshi than normal. He couldn't help but think it was cute, she really did seek him out for protection even if she would never admit it. Toshi opened the door to Aizawas classroom and pulled up a chair for Sisu to sit next to him as they sat in on the class.

She looked at all of the students, they were all so diverse. Tan skin, pink hair, multiple arms and engine calves. They all looked at her curiously, their warm welcoming faces created an atmosphere she should've been comfortable in but it just made her squirm under their gaze. Where was the magnifying glass? Sure.y she felt like an ant being observed under one. One in particular, dated at her intently. She stared back at him for a moment, his eyes were green, matching his wild curly hair. His freckles dotted his cheeks and there was a scar on his arm. She gave him a little smile and he realized he was staring, he looked down at his notebook to scribble notes into it.

The Sensei of this class kept giving her glances to make sure she was listening, he already started treating her like a student. She had heard of Eraserhead. He was one of those heroes that lurked about at night, catching criminals. No wonder he looked tired, he worked as a hero at night and taught kids during the day when did he sleep?

Sisu loved her sleep and couldn't imagine being constantly awake like he was.
She glanced over at All Might who was scratching notes on his clipboard, she leaned in to see what he was writing and he elbowed her playfully back to her position.

"What you doing, All Might?" She whispered.

"Taking notes, I have to observe class so I can teach my own."

"Oh, okay." She resumed back to listening to the teacher. Aizawa was talking about how to think on your feet when in danger.

"What's the first thing you do when you're in a building that has just caved in?" Aizawa asked.

"Pray." Sisu joked, earning some laughter from the class. Aizawa looked at the culprit who disrupted his lesson.

"What's your name?" He asked.


"Okay, Sisu. Since you seem to have a lot to say, what would you do if you were in that situation?" He asked her. She looked at the class who were staring at her for an answer.

"Well, if I were in that dilemma, I would probably look out for any electrical wiring that may be sparking or disconnected. I'm already in a caved in building I don't want to add electrocution to that too."

Aizawa looked her up and down, pondering her answer and then gave her a nod, "Good job. Refrain from the smart remarks next time." He added.

"No promises." She joked. She looked over at All Might who shook his head, she always had to have the last word.

"What else could be done in this scenario?"

"Tap on a pipe or some sort of tube, something that will echo if we are trapped under a heap of rubble this would be useful to alert the paramedics to where we are. If there's no other alternative, we have to shout and scream." Iida replied.

"...Jesus." Sisu shook her head. She didn't consider the lengths they had to go to learn about becoming a good hero. This was survival level stuff.

"What about when you're lost in a deserted place like the woods? you have no idea where you're at and you have to make it back to civilization?"

"Don't panic." Sisu spoke up absently. "You should stay put when you realize you're lost." Aizawa was impressed by her, he let her speak. "The more you walk the more lost you are."

"Precisely, Sisu. Thank you." He glanced back at his students. "What should we not panic, Mina?" He asked the pink girl in the second row.

"Because we use up energy when we panic and getting exhausted in the forest isn't good especially if you run into a wild animal."

The class continued with Sisu piping up when ever she had the right answer. All Might just sat back and watched her, she just may fit into the class.

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