Beyond the Sea.

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"I agree with that statement." She nodded. "Those were some good brownies and I feel all comfy after I've eaten them."

"So Sisu. If it isn't too much trouble, tell us about yourself." Sero brought up.

"Oh, well...that is a pretty long story." She glanced at Deku who seemed to have no objection with her telling them, they would have to learn it sooner or later. "Are you sure you want to know?"

"Yeah, of course." Sato replied to her.

"Well...I will keep it as short as possible. I have told this story so many times..." She sighed and thought before she spoke, "I come from the poorer part of Tokyo. I had abusive parents until I ran away at age twelve. During my time in that home, I lost my little sister and grandpa."

"Oh, wow. I'm so sorry, Sisu." Sero felt a little bad asking the question.

"Don't worry about it. I'm glad you asked. Sharing secrets is what keeps friends closer, isn't it?" She asked. The guys nodded and kept listening to her. Deku even looked a bit surprised, she never told him about her sister, Lux.

"All Might found me and he protected me until I was fifteen, he took me in. My life of theiving over and here I am eating brownies with you three."

The guys sat silent for a moment until Sato looked at her, "I for one feel honored that you trusted us with your experiences." He gave her a weak smile. "that was a pretty hard life."

Sisu nodded and looked over at Deku who looked a little shocked, "I never knew you had a sister." He spoke up.

"Yeah, I did." She looked at them all. "What about you lot? care to share one?" She asked. "I can't be the only one with a dramatic stroy."

Sero shared that he was adopted by a husband and wife and Sato told them all about how his parents were divorced. It was nice for a change, knowing she wasn't alone, they also had their own life stories.

"Oh, don't you play the Lute?" Deku mentioned. Sisu looked at him, dreading the fact that he remembered her strange talent. Sisu nodded and sat up, "Yeah, I do."

"Whats a Lute?" Sero asked.

"Its a type of guitar...Let me go get it." She told them, leaving the gorup to retrieve it. She came back out with the weirdly shaped instrument and sat back down, "Any requests?" She asked.

"Bad Romance!" Sero cheered.

"Pffft!" She giggled. "Sorry, I only know old songs...Hang on, I have one..." She tuned it and started to play, "Somewhere...beyond the sea, somewhere waiting for lover stands on golden sands and watches the ships that go sailing.." She started to sing. The boys listened to her sing and a few others came round to hear her, Iida, Tsu and Kirishima crowded around her as she played the mellow tune.

"Somewhere, beyond the sea. She's there watching for me...If I could fly like birds on high then straight to her arms...I'd go sailing."

Her voice changed the atmosphere, blanketing them with a sense of peace as she belted out the words. The tune from her Lute seemed to play with the air as the notes were plucked from the strings. "Its far beyond the stars, its near beyond the moon. I know without a doubt my heart will lead me there soon... We'll meet beyond the shore, we'll kiss just as before, happy we'll be beyond the sea and never again, I'll go sailing."

She finished the song and looked up at the class who had come to listen, surprised to see more than the three boys she decided to serenade. "Thats a pretty song." Iida spoke up.

Deku looked at her proudly, "She learned it from her grandpa." He told them. "He taught her how to play it."

"Thats really cool, Sisu." Jiro said, eyeing the Lute. She was a genius at alot of instruments but the Lute was something she didn't know anything about. "We should play together, I play alot of different instruments."

"Oh, thats so cool." She rested the Lute on her knee.

"Anyways, we will have to finish this conversation tomorrow. Its curfew everyone!" Iida instructed and the class groaned upset. Sisu watched as everyone left the common area, she stood from her chair and started to leave, "Sisu, let me walk you to your room." Deku stood and led her to her dorm room, opening the door and letting her inside.

"Good night, Deku." She smiled up at him, clutching her Lute close. Deku smiled at her, looking into those dreamy silver eyes. "Goodnight, Sisu." He leaned down to kiss her on the lips, feeling that charge of electricity once again. "I'll see you in the morning."

"Okay." They both stayed there in the doorway for a good minute. Sisu went to close the door until Deku put a hand on her door to keep it from shutting, "I almost forgot something." His eyes didn't tear from hers, "Do you want to call All Might before bed?" He asked.

"Oh, yes." She remembered. Deku dug into his pocket and handed her the phone, letting her call him. She let Deku come into the room to wait.

"Hello?" Toshi answered.

"Hey, I just wanted to call and make sure you wee okay." She replied.

"Hey, Sisu." He sat down on the hotel bed, kicking off his shoes. He had just finished checking into his room. "How are you doing?" He asked.

"I'm doing okay. Everyone is so nice here, I like it here already."

"That's good sweetheart." He smied on the other end. "I told you that they already love you."

"I know." She looked up at Deku who gave her a shy smile. "Have you checked into a hotel yet? Are you okay?" She asked.

"Yes, of course I'm okay." He chuckled. "Nothing out of the ordinary happened while I was packing either. Everything is okay."

"Okay...I'm sorry I'm worrying."

"Its okay, sweetie." He laid down on his bed, relaxing as he switched on the tv. "There's no need to worry right now. I'm safe, okay?" He reassured her.

My Hero Academia: Black Light.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora