Killing Spree.

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Their backs were slammed against the brick wall of the alley way, staring up at the frosty blue eyes of Dabi. Sisu froze in her place, she remembered him. He was the one that pulled off her wig. Deku started to fight from his grip and Dabi pressed against the both of them, coving Deku's mouth. They stayed silent for a moment and stared up at the man, he pressed a finger to his lips staring into Sisu's silver eyes. 

The only thing that she could hear was all three of their heart beats pumping a horrific rhythm. Noises were still heard in the back alley until there was a dead silence and the sound of skipping feet leaving from another entrance, When he knew that the person had left, Dabi pushed off the wall and looked at the two.

"What are you doing, Dabi?" Deku asked, his body surrounded by green lightning. Dabi rolled his eyes before her looked at them again. 

"You're welcome." He said sarcastically. 

Deku didn't stand down from his fighting stance as Dabi locked eyes onto Sisu, "You stole something from the League of Villains." He told her. 

"Yeah, I know." She replied in a guarded tone of voice. "I don't have it on me if thats what you're here for."

"I could care less for that serum but the League has put a target on your back. They wont rest until you're found." He told her. 

"What are you talking about? you're part of the league!" Deku  stodd in front of her protectively. 

"I would love to tell you all the tiny details missing from this conversation but I really don't care to relive them. I am only here to deliver a message to the girl you're protecting."

Sisu looked surprised, "How did you even know that I-"

"You think you can dye your hair and become a different person? I remember faces very clearly." He sighed. "Shigaraki has ordered one of the members to kill as many girls who look just like you until you're found."

"Don't believe him, Sisu." Deku told her. "He is just trying to get you to trust him."

"So, she has a name? Sisu." Dabi smiled. "Pretty name." 

"Leave her be!" Deku exclaimed. Dabi had enough of the silly altercation and approached Deku, 

"I saved your life from that assassin back there, you should be thanking me."

Deku wanted to protest but his mind went back to the girl's voice he had heard in the back alley, "Toga."

"Yes, exactly." Dabi calrified. "She is the one that has been ordered to find Sisu and kill her."

"Why protect us, then?" Sisu asked. 

Dabi looked at her, his icy blue eyes staring into hers, "Kill a person when you know their name, where they live and what they do in order to get what you want, I'm fine with that. Start a genocide for a girl with no name and you have only seen twice to get what you want...I'm not okay with."

"But you know my name now. How do we know you won't go back and tell the leader?" She asked. 

"I guess, you'll know that when the killings keep happening." He retorted. "I have to go." Dabi turned back into the alley way and left the two. Deku's lightning vanished and he looked back at Sisu. "We need to let All Might know."

"Of course." They hurried back to the house and came in to see Toshi sitting on the couch, "Dad!" Sisu hurried to him and hugged him. 

"Miss me already? Its still early, usually you two stay out till eleven." He told them, putting an arm around Sisu, feeling that unsettling feeling at the pit of his stomach. "Whats happened?" He asked looking up at Deku.

"We had a run in with the League of Villains and they said that Shigaraki is on a killing spree looking for Sisu." He told his mentor. Toshi looked down at Sisu and held her closer as if trying to protect her. "Okay, Deku can you take Sisu upstairs so she can pack a bag?" He asked. 

"Yeah, sure."

"Wait, What?" She looked up at Toshi questioningly. "Where am I going?" She asked. 

"You'll be much safer at UA." He replied to her. "Go upstairs with Deku, now."

Deku pulled her up from the couch and ran up the steps with her as Toshi pulled out his phone, dialing a number, "Hey, Tsukauchi? Listen, I have to come by the station, I need you there...its about the Chisaki case...okay... I'll see you soon." he hung up the phone and joined the other two upstairs, seeing Sisu pick up her Lute and a duffel bag full of things she needed. 

"Are you ready?" He asked her. 

"Where's the formula?" She asked. 

"I have it somewhere safe, don't worry." He reassured her. 

"Why do I have to leave the house?" 

"In case any one followed us home." Deku interjected. Sisu looked between the men and a worried expression crossed her face. 

"What will happen to you if they find you here?" She asked Toshi. He looked at her, hoping she wouldn't put the ends together tha quickly, a guilty look upon his face.

"You mean to tell me, you're-" Sisu was interrupted by Deku ushering her out of the room and down the stairs. "No! I'm not leaving him!" She screamed. Toshi stood at the top of the steps and watched as she desperately tried to fight Deku off. 

"Make sure she gets there safely!" His voice broke as he watched Deku resorting to carrying her out of the house. The door slammed and Toshi sank down to sit on the stairs, his face in his hands. She had already been welcomed in this house, been called a daughter and he knew that in that moment, she felt like al of it was being ripped from her grasp. He stood up and fetched the box of formulafrom his room before he left the house, jumped into the car and sped down the street to get it safely hidden away from the League. 

My Hero Academia: Black Light.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang