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"I found him!" She looked at the name on the screen, "I can't believe it. He's a lawyer." Deku could see her lit up face, "Rei Hisoka Yori, Thats my Dad."

Deku looked at the picture of the clean well dressed man, tanned skin, white freckles and hair almost white, barely showing any pink. His eyes were the same color as hers, a reflective silver. He then looked at her, "Are you sure about this?"

"What do you mean? I found my real father. I didn't think I would find him this quick, he even has my eyes." she smiled.

"Whats with the sudden interest in your father?" he asked her.

Sisu looked up at him a little disappointed, "I thought you would be happy for me."

"I am, Sisu but I just don't want you to get your hopes up."

"What? do you think he won't accept me?" She asked.

"Its a possibility, thats all I am saying. If you're going to do this, prepare yourself to be pleased and disappointed." He told her calmly. He could see that she wasn't at all happy with his words. She just needed some sort of validation, why couldn't he give that to her?

"I can still go with you-"

"No, forget it. Its okay." She closed out the window and logged off. "It was a mistake anyways."

"Sisu!" He called after her but she had left the room already. She returned to the classroom when the bell rang and sat down, waiting for Toshi. She crossed her arms and looked down at the floor for the rest fo the day. When the bell rang, She sprang up and left for Toshi's car. All Might watched her as she rushed away and looked at Deku for an answer.

Deku looked like a scolded child as he shrugged, Toshi didn't believe him and gave him a stern stare. The class filtered out and the two of them stood in front of each other, "Whats going on?" He asked him.

"I think Sisu needs to tell you herself." He spoke honestly.

"She was fine this morning, What can't you tell me?"

"Just talk to her, okay." Deku looked at him with pleading eyes. That look made Toshi's heart stop. This was serious. He laid a hand on his shoulder before leaving the boy in the classroom.

Sisu leaned up against the Audi and waitied for Toshi to come out. "Hey, Sisu!" She heard a familiar voice call her name and she looked up at Uraraka. Great, that was all she needed.

"Whats up?" She rolled her eyes.

"Why don't we see you and Deku anymore?" She asked.

"Oh." Her anger subsided. "He's just helping me out with a lot of stuff, thats all."

"Is everything okay?" She asked.

Sisu tucked in her lips and looked away for a moment, "Are we okay?" She asked back.

"What do you mean, Sisu?" Uraraka's face blushed. Sisu knew that she felt uneasy around her.

"I don't know. I...I just feel like something is wrong with our friendship is all. Please tell me I'm wrong." She looked at her with honesty.

Uraraka had never been met with such genuineness, She was taken aback by her response. Uraraka felt a bit guilty for even approaching her like this, what was she thinking? "Sisu, you're wrong. We are okay." She lied. As much as she wanted to tell Sisu what was wrong, it would seem so petty if she confessed it.

"Okay. I just was wondering, thats all."

"Okay." She stood there awkwardly, feeling like an ass. "Well, I'll see you tomorrow in class."

Sisu smiled and hugged her assumed friend and Ochako tensed, "Goodbye." She let go and watched the brunette leave. Toshi came out, he spotted her in the parking lot, the yellow hue of the sunset highlighting her silhouette. He descended the steps and walked to his car to meet her, "Sorry, I had to get some papers from Shota."

Sisu didn't reply, she just stepped into the car and sat down. He sighed and got in the car, shutting the door, "Your dye is fading," he looked at her hair. "We'll have to go to the store to get you a new box."

"Fine." She spoke. The single word floated in the air and transformed the atmosphere in the car into a tense one. Toshi sighed and drove to their destination, the car was full of poisonous silence. "Is everything okay?"He asked.

"I'm fine." she looked out the window, not even looking in his direction.

"Okay. I know that's a lie, but okay." He said in a light hearted tone of voice, hoping to change the mood....nothing.

They parked and headed into the store, They looked around until she found what colors she wanted, "Here."

"Two colors, okay. Living dangerously, I see." He joked, getting her to crack a hidden smile. She was weak under the power of sarcasm, Toshi knew it.

"Shut up." She playfully pushed him. "What else do we need?"

"Well, we don't have anything for dinner so...What would you like?" He asked.

"I'm actually not hungry, Toshi."

"What?" This really was serious. "You're always hungry. You never pass up a free meal."

"I know. I just don't feel well is all." She explained.

Toshi didn't push it any further, they continued to shop until they had everything they needed before they went home. Sisu helped him put the groceries away and she set up in the bathroom to dye her hair again.

Both of them went about their own business, Toshi made dinner and Sisu tended to her hair. After he finished dinner he knocked on the bathroom door, "Need help, Sisu?"

She opened the door, her face covered in purple and blue dye, "haha! Let me help you."

"Okay..." She let him in and he dyed the back of her head. "I see what you did here, you blended the blue into your ends. You're setting me up for a loss already." He said making her giggle.

"I was wondering when I would see you smile again, you've been a grump ever since you left school."

"No I haven't."

"Oh, okay. I guess the one worded responses are just your own expression of joy." He said sarcastically. She crossed her arms and looked up at him, still not budging. She willingly refused.

"You know, I'll find out sooner or later whats bugging you." He told her.

My Hero Academia: Black Light.حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن