Im Telling the Church.

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Sisu followed Toshi through the isles of the store, taming her urge to take anything. "What are we doing, Toshi?" She asked.

"You said the League saw your real face. We are here to make sure we hide your identity." He said turning into the beauty isle. She looked over at the items on the isle and felt a little deterred, "You want me to dye my hair?"

"I don't want want you to dye your hair, you have to."

"Why can't I just put on a wig?"

"Didn't you say that they pulled your wig off? They would be expecting that."

She rolled her eyes, "Fine." She looked over the options and picked a box. "Neon violet. Let me just embody my quirk to the fullest." She joked.

"Very funny." He looked at the cart and nodded. "I think that's about it."

"That chapped lips dude...he said he remembered my eyes."

Toshi sighed, "colored contacts it is."

She picked a pair of electric blue eye lenses and Toshi looked at them, "look at a that, they match my eyes."

"Cute." She replied with a silly attitude. They checked out their items and put them in the cart and they checked out their items.

All Might was right, if she was to be hidden from the League successfully, then she had to look completely different. They rode in silence in the car, watching the lights of Tokyo pass by. They entered the house and she went straight to the bathroom to dye her hair. She hated it, this whole situation she got herself into, she hated all of it.

She read the box and got halfway done when she encountered a problem, "Toshi!" She shouted from the crack of the door.

"What is it?" He asked.

"I need your help."

Toshi was comfortably sitting on the couch, not wanting to get up. He sighed and walked to the bathroom to see her head popping out of the door, her hair all purple.

"What's up?"

"I need you to get the back of my head." She told him.


"Because I don't have eyes in the back of my head, please help me." She turned her back to him so he could see what she was talking about. He rolled his eyes, "I'll send you back to your little hide away after this, crazy."

"Use the color brush smart ass." She giggled.

"Okay." He dipped the brush into the dye and started to brush her hair with the colorful dye. "Am I doing this right?"

"Yeah, you have to put more color on than that though." She snickered, seeing how hard her was trying to help. He shook his head and scooped a bit more on and continued.

"This is time consuming, why do ladies do this to themselves all of the time?"

"Oh that's easy, we all shape shift. That's how we can look a hot mess one day and then the next look like a bombshell model."

"I knew it, I'm telling the church." He joked, playing along. "Okay, I think I'm done."

"Do you see any pink spots?" She asked. "Can you check."

"Yeah there are some."

"You have to do it over again." She laughed. All Might looked at her in the mirror annoyed. He took the color bowl and dumped the rest on her head, lathering it into her hair. "All a done."

"Thanks a lot, Small Might." It was her turn to look pissed off. "I'm going back to school with purple skin."

"Hey alt least you'll make friends with Mina." He joked.

"Come here, let's give you a makeover." She threatened.

"Nope! Have fun." He rushed out of the bathroom so she could finish the job. When it was time she rinsed out her hair, she smelled dinner cooking as she finished cleaning up, coming out of the room to see Yakisoba on the table.

"Ooh, yummy."

"There she is. I didn't think you'd come out." He said setting a plate down for her. She sat down with him and ate dinner.

"You did a pretty good job, Toshi. Ever consider a job in cosmetology?"

"Hahaha!" He laughed, a bit of blood spewing from his lips. "How dare you."

"You know me, my smart-assery has no off button."

"Don't I know it." He took a bite of his food. "Oh, I forgot to get you a phone so you can call me in case of emergencies."

"It's okay, I can use Deku's phone."

"How do you like Deku?" He asked.

"He's cool. Very friendly." She met his eyes. "Why?"

"Well, you know about my One For All quirk. I might as well tell you the rest of the story."

"Oh? There's more to this legendary tale?"

"Yes. Midorya is my successor. I passed the quirk on to him."

"So that's why he was pretty vague when I asked him what power he had."

"Yeah. It's a secret only a chose few know."

"And now me. I feel so honored." The sarcasm never ended with her.

"Did you like the class? How did they respond to you?"

"They were all sweet. I've never been welcomed like that, it felt nice." She said honestly for once.

"I'm glad they like you so much. They're all good kids."

"I can't wait to hang out with them tomorrow." An eager expression curved onto her face, All Might couldn't help but notice. She was actually liking the fact that she was interacting with kids her age.

"Do you see yourself going there? To UA?"

"...Maybe." She thought. "Do I have to be a hero?"

"No one is making you be anything. 1-A is specifically for the hero course but that's up to you when you leave the school. You're pretty bright, Aizawa liked that you involved yourself in the lesson."

"He did?" She thought about the tired looking teacher. "I'll think about it more and I'll get back with you."

"Perfect." He finished his plate and washed it in the sink. "I'm sorry you had to dye your hair. It's just a safety precaution."

"Don't worry about it, I know."

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