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They sat there in the building for a good ten minutes as Toshi unloaded all of the information he knew about her, "So that's why you're with her. She could be a very important piece in the Chisaki case."

"Yeah, she stole the drugs right out of Shigaraki's pocket." Toshi said quietly, glancing at the sleeping Sisu in the car. "She may have just closed the case."

"What I don't get, is why she was on the streets at such a young age in the first place." Aizawa pondered.

"The only thing I ever got out of her was that she had endured abuse." Toshi looked back at her, a sharp pain stabbing his heart for her. "But today...there's so much more going on with her. I want to find out."

"You don't quit, do you? First, Midorya and now Sisu. Your big heart is a bit reckless, don't you think?" He asked. "You don't know how to mind your own business." He chuckled.

"Nope." Toshi shrugged. "If I didn't step in, we would've never obtained the formula."

"I stand corrected. Do you need any help with her? Will she be enrolling into UA? He asked him.

"I left that up to her to decide. I told her I wouldn't push her or make her do anything she didn't want to."

"What a shame." Aizawa spoke, standing up to leave. "She would make a great student. She has amazing potential."

"She will let me know when she wants to enroll. She's already made some good friends." He stood too, checking on Sisu again. "As for your offer to help, just keep a listening ear. Midorya told me about her abuse, Sisu never even told me. She feels comfortable with him and she might divulge more."

"Okay. Have a good day, Toshi." Aizawa left him, walking down the street out of sight. Toshi gathered the bag he bought full of food and headed to the car. Sisu slept the whole way back home and he carried her inside, setting her on her bed so she could rest.

She woke up three hours later with a raspy sore throat. She came down the stairs to see Toshi sitting in his spot on the couch, "Hey, you're up."

"I don't even remember falling asleep." Her head pounded as she made her way to the kitchen to make herself a cup of tea.

"You nodded off in the car and I put you to bed. Oh, there's sushi in the fridge if you ant it."

"Thanks, maybe later. I just want to sip my tea." She sat down on the other side of the couch in silence, absently watching the tv. "Thank you, for this morning."

"No problem. How do you feel?"

"Sore." She giggled. "But I do feel relieved." She looked over at him gratefully.


"Where did you learn that little trick?" She asked him.

"From Nana. She taught me."

"Smart woman." She nodded. Toshi chuckled, happy that she felt better from the little exercise. "You have no idea."

Sisu turned to him, her silver eyes gleaming in the sunlight shining through the window, "Can you tell me more about her?" She asked. "If you don't mind."

"I don't mind at all." He muted the tv and faced her. "Nana, she taught me everything. She taught me how to fight, how to eat better to maintain my body and how to persevere. She always told me to smile, no matter how bad I felt on the inside. She always said, 'A hero's smile is what comforts the people. When you're out there, it's not about your troubles.'" He recalled.

"How did you meet her?"

"Well, Nana was already looking for a successor at the time and she found me at the train station being teased by a couple of kids from my school. Despite how strong they were, I still defended myself. Apparently Nana liked that and she kept me in the back of her mind until she knew for sure that she wanted to pass on the quirk to me."

"So, she scouted you, huh? Did she love you? You know, like a son?"

"Yeah. I spent so much time with her that she would joke around saying, 'that's my kid'" he chuckled, remembering her beautiful face.

"I remember her picture. She was stunning."

"Yeah." He covered his face with his hand for a moment, wiping away the welling tears in his eyes. Sisu laid a hand on his shoulder, rubbing it to comfort him, the action warmed his heart. The old Sisu would never do something like this.

"I'm sorry for bringing it up."

"No, I'm happy you asked." He smiled. "No one has ever asked me about her, not even Midorya." He regained his composure and sat back on the couch again.

Sisu chuckled for a second and Toshi looked over at her, "What's so funny?"

"Nothing it's more ironic than funny." She replied. "I've always seen the tough and strong All Might. This version of you is so...human."

"I only share this stuff with people who are really special to me."

She sat there a little amazed, silenced by his truthful words. She was special? Special to him? "Why?" She asked. "What makes me so special to you?"

"For one, you kept on showing up in my life like some recurring character in a book." He chuckled. "When I first saw you, all I wanted to do was put a smile on your face. You were a child, you're still a child...a smile can only go so far though. That's why I gave you all of that money in my pocket, at least you would be able to eat that day."

"I remember. You did that every day for almost three years." She smiled. "Why didn't you turn me in to the police or something?" She curiously asked.

"I know why there's poor children out on the streets. Some of them can't go home, sometimes their house is hell."

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