Secret Place.

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The two of them got off the ride and they walked it off, letting Sisu rest a little before they went onto the next ride. "It wasn't that bad, was it?" He asked.

"No. I understand the thrill now." She smiled.

"Want to go on another one?" he asked. "The night is young."

"Maybe later, lets sit for a second." They found a nearby picnic table and sat down. "Thanks for taking me out again." She leaned on the table with her elbows. Deku smiled at her, "It feels nice when I hang out with you."

"Oh?" She giggled. "just me?"

"Yeah." He spoke, looking down at his red shoes. "You're a pretty cool girl. You're easy to hang out with. Not a lot of girls are like that"

"I'm flattered." Her silver eyes sparkled like clear spring water. "You're pretty cool too, Deku."

A silence between them settled their nerves for a moment, "Whats with Uraraka?" She asked.

"What about her?" He asked back, confused.

"Its just, she doesn't seem to like me at all. I don't understand why."

"Has she said anything to you or did anything?" Deku's eyes grew bigger. "You don't think she stole your clothes do you?" He asked. Sisu shrugged, she really didn't know who did it.

"I have my suspicions but no proof. Ever since the dinner with your friends, Uraraka has been icing me out." Sisu looked at him a little worried.

"I don't know what it could be. Maybe you should ask her." He shrugged.

"I just might, the next time I see her."

"Don't worry about it right now, lets get on another ride."

"Sounds good to me." She followed him and they rode more of the attractions at the carnival. They both had a blast with each other as the hours past. The two enjoyed each other's company with ease, nothing had to be forced or fake.


"What are we doing now?" I asked as he stopped at a booth. Deku flashed a smile at me and he picked up a few rings for the game. "Pick a stuffed animal."

I looked up at the array of stuffed animals and spotted the pink tiger hanging up on the back wall. "That one, over there." I pointed.


"Youre going to win it for me?" she asked. Deku smirked at her and then looked back at the prize. "I'm going to try."

What a sweetheart...this kind of felt like...was this a date? I shrugged it off, if it were a date he would've said so...right? He threw the rings at the bottles and after a while he won me a smaller version of the little pink tiger. He handed it to me, blushing.

"Sorry I couldn't get you the bigger one." He scratched the back of his head, bashfully. I took it from his hands and met his eyes, smiling. "Its the perfect size." I leaned in to give him a quick kiss on the cheek. A small part of myself wanted to scold me for being so forward but it was done now, the only thing to do was hope he didn't hate it.


Deku lifted a hand to his cheek, a shade of pink painting them, he stared off in happy shock before looking at me. "What was that for?" He asked, a smile plastered on his face.

"Its a thank you, for winning me the tiger."

Deku suddenly giggled to himself, as if he had just been pumped with laughing gas. She looked at him curiously, "Whats the matter?" She asked. Deku came to his senses once he heard her voice. "Oh! nothing is the matter..." He touched his cheek in disbelief. "I just didn't expect that." He confessed.

Sisu looked at him apologetically, "I am sorr-"

"No! no, don't apologize. It was nice." His face grew pinker. "It was sweet."

Sisu's face matched his, she didn't expect him to like it. She his her face in the stuffed animal in her hands and Deku couldn't help but stare at cute. He pulled her prize away so that he could see her face, "What are you hiding from?"

She looked up at him with her big blue lensed eyes, "Uhhh...I'm not hiding." She said awkwardly. Deku chuckled and lifted her chin, "Sure, okay." The colorful flashing lights of the carnival gave his face such a warm glow as the day soon turned to night. God, he was so handsome. He suddenly stooped down, "Climb on."


"Climb on my back, you goof." He laughed. Sisu was partly thankful that the awkward moment between them had dissapated and climbed on his back. He carried her as they left the pier and down the street. "Where are we going now?" She asked.

"You'll see. Sit tight." His body started to light up, green lightning surrounded them as he started to climb up onto the buildings and trees. Sisu held onto him tighter as he swung from object to object, she hid her face in the crook of his neck, a little scared of how high and fast he was going. She stayed there until he stopped, she peeked out from his neck to see the view. He let her climb down and look at the sight. They were up on a high hill, over looking the ocean. The moonlight cast dancing silver threads upon the water and the stars shined brightly in the sky. The night sky was a brilliant dark blue, the stars illuminating the clouds that dotted along it.

"Wow." She marvelled at the display. "Where did you take me?" She asked.

"Its my secet place, This is where I come to think." He sat down on the ground. She joined him.

"You wanted to show me your secret place?"

"Yeah." Deku glanced at her. "We have both been into sharing each other's secrets...I thought it was about time." he shrugged.

"Does this mean, I owe you one?" She asked jokingly. Deku laughed and shook his head.

"You know the drill, we start with useless facts first."

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