I'm okay with this.

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Shigaraki and Toga looked down at her a bit afraid, "What is your quirk?"

"Well, I would tell you but...why ruin the surprise?" She shrugged.

"How do we know you're not lying?" He asked.

"I guess, you're just going to have to trust me." She shrugged. Toga and Shiggy looked at each other and then back at her. Sisu was loving this, not only were the two villains looking at eachother like confused idiots but she was also getting the best charge of her life! it gave her a high.

"just let me stab her!" Toga said with red cheeks. She couldn't wait any longer.

"No, I have a better idea."


Toshi turned in for the night after a long talk with the guys, he knocked on Sisu's door before retiring for the night. "Sisu, I just wanted to say good night." He knocked again, her door creaking open. He looked inside to see the room empty and he switched on the light, a note laid upon her bed.


I hope you have the patience to save me one last time.


His blood ran cold and bolted from the room, rushing to his and feeling in his pocket for the formula. "Shit."

"Hey, Toshi I just had a question- What happened?" Mic cut himself off, seeing the look on his friend's face.

"Sisu went after the league by herself."

"Oh my God."

"We've got to go now." He left the room with Mic following behind. Aizawa was on his way to his room when her noticed the look on both of their faces, "Dammit." He rolled his eyes. He was fed up with his students missing all of the time, he had gotten so immune to it he could almost sense it when someone left. "Mic, stay with the kids." He ordered as Toshi poofed into All Might and left the building.

Aizawa contacted the pro heroes in the area and sent them the location where they were headed. All Might took flight and Aizawa used his scarf to get there faster. When they finally got there, Hawks and Mirko met up with them.

"This is the place? This is where the League decided to hide?" Hawks scratched his head. "They all must have a death wish."

"Where is everyone else? I sent the location to everyone." Aizawa spoke.

"Yeah, its a radioactive site, Shota. Most of their quirks would trigger that radiation." Mirko replied. Both of the men sighed in frustration, "Okay, we need a plan before Tokyo becomes a post apocolyptic city." Aizawa told them all. The four of them huddled together to formulate some sort of plan while Sisu was having fun with the two villains in the plant.

Tomura knelt down in front of her and looked at her in the eyes, "Silver eyes." He said to himself. "I would love to see the life sucked out of those silver irises of yours. Maybe I'll wear your eyeballs around my neck." He told her.

"That would be one hell of a fashion statement-" Tomura had had enough of her wise cracks and smacked her. Sisu's head whipped to the side from the force of his blow and she laughed, she didn't even feel it. A sting was felt upon her neck and she struggled to swat it away. Toga held her in place while Tomura injected her with the formula, "Now you are powerless."

Sisu's plan failed, the charge she felt didn't mask the hurt and shame she felt after being stuck with the needle. Sisu was now quirkless. Tomura stood up and looked down at her, such a pitiful creature she was now. He loved the look on her face, she was now his little play thing. He took her by the throat, raising her up in the air, "You will die a painful and slow death-"

"SMASH!" Sisu's face lit up, hearing her father's voice. She fell to the floor with a thud and watched the two fight violently with each other, "Get out of here, Sisu."

"He took my quirk." She told him as she stood up.

Toga came lunging at her and blasted her instinctively, "What the hell?"

"It was fake, Sisu!" All Might punched Sigaraki in the face.

"What do you mean it was fake? What did he shoot me up with?" She asked, irritated as she threw Toga to the ground.

"I'm kind of in the middle of something here." All Might replied, kicking Tomura down.

"What was it?!" She demanded as Toga took her knife and stabbed her hand. "Ah!" Sisu held her hand to her chest while it bled profusely. Toga got up, smiling at her good work. Sisu stood up and kept fighting her despite the blood painting the floor.

"Sisu, you have to get out of here!" All Might shouted at her, noticing her hand. "You're bleeding, get out of here!"

"I am the only one that can be here with out getting sick, you should leave!" She screamed back.

"If you activate your quirk, Tokyo will be in ruins!"

"...Then why was I able to..." Sisu looked at her uncut hand and used it to blast Toga to the ground. She stood there in awe, what was happening? "Dad..." She looked at him worriedly.

a purple light formed a halo around her as she started to glow suddenly. Her silver eyes turned white and she felt so owerful. All Might stood there in awe of the sight of her quirk reaching its full potential. "Sisu..."

"Are you okay?" He asked her.

"Leave, I could destroy this place at any minute!" The fear in her eyes had a glint of devastation. She wasn't surviving this... "Arrest the villains and go."


"GO!" She screamed. All Might took the villains and rushed them outside where Mirko and Aizawa could restrain them. Sisu dropped to her knees, she had done the wrong thing again. Rushing to save the nes she loved with out a second thought. Look where it got her, she couldn't leave the building, the charge was too strong. If she left, the radiation could kill someoneand she had seen enough of her loved ones die.

"I'm okay with this..." She shut her eyes and waited for the worst to happen.

My Hero Academia: Black Light.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang