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The one thing she didn't have in her apartment was running water, she hated that. She could never just relax in a bath, listening to her music by candle light. She saw that in so many of the movies she snuck in to see, looked amazing. Fortunately for her, she could just sneak in with a group of people into a gym and take a shower. That was her next destination on her little trip.

She walked in nonchalant, if she acted like she belonged then people would assume that she did. She stopped in the bathroom to put on a wig in the stall, she chose the green one, putting her hair up and placing it meticulously upon her head. She came out to look at herself in the mirror. Nice!

"Your hair is really pretty." A girl with short brown hair saw her come out of the stall. "Is it natural?"

Someone just noticed her? No one noticed her unless she was breaking the law. "No, it's colored." She lied.

"It looks adorable on you." She said with a cheery face, her cheeks pink. "What's your natural color?"

"Uh, blonde." She smiled.

"I wish I could color my hair something different but I never know what looks good on me." She told her.

"Don't dye it. Your natural color compliments your skin." Sisu told her truthfully.

"I'm Uraraka. It's nice to meet you."

"...Lux. Nice to meet you." She shook her hand.

"Well, Ill see you around, Lux. I got to get to school."

"Bye." She waved her good bye. Weird, she usually tried to stay unnoticed. She shook her head of the odd encounter and headed to the showers. She stepped in, drawing the curtain and stripped down, taking off her wig. She let the hot water fall down her back and relax the sore muscles in her legs. She scrubbed every inch of herself before she rinsed off and plucked her wig back up to douse it with water before she put it back on. She wrapped herself in a towel and dressed again and left without any objection from anyone.

This was what she did everyday, and she got away with everything, she felt invincible as she walked out the doors, blending in with the people walking the streets. Being nobody had its perks and she loved it. She passed by the crowd, stealing what she could from their pockets as they all went about their day.

Her hand carefully reached into the jacket pocket of a man too busy on his phone to notice. He snatched her hand and forced her to look at him, his lips were chapped, pale blue hair and hideous yellow eyes.

"That Wasn't very nice." He said in a chilling tone of voice. "Stealing is a crime." He furrowed his eyebrows. "Give it back."

Sisu couldn't think, she had never been caught before. What the hell? She yanked her hand away and ran away as fast as lightning. The man ran after her, growling at the little inconvenience. She looked back to see him still coming after her strong and she bobbed back and forth between people walking by to throw him off. She ditched her wig in the nearest trash can and turned a corner to keep him off her scent.

"Dammit!" He gripped his hair in livid frustration, there was no way he could replace what she just stole. Sisu stopped to take a breath and looked at the little box, what was so special about this? She opened it and her eyes grew large in shock. What were these? Drugs?

She placed them back into her pocket and headed back to her place. She hid them in a safe place beneath a hole in the floor, covered by a rug. It must be important for him to run after her like that. Or maybe he was just a drug addict. Sisu shrugged and made one last stop, it was going to be a long walk and she needed to make sure she wasn't spotted either. She put on her white wig and left her home again, making the longest trip to her old home. She didn't know why she did this, maybe it was a way of punching herself in the face, metaphorically.

She came up to a little house and snuck into the back yard to peer through the window, there it was in all its ugly glory, her old home.

Her step Dad sat in a recliner watching tv while her mother was washing dishes. How could they act as if nothing had happened?! Those soulless pretenders! She shook her head in anger, how could they sit there and live such a normal life? Sisu climbed the drain pipe to get to one of the windows. She opened it and quietly hopped in to see her little sisters old room.

A feeling of immense sadness came over her as she looked around the pink and white room. It was untouched since it happened. The hurt she felt in her heart weighed herself down so much that she had to sit down on the edge of the bed. Tears rolled down her cheeks as she picked up a white teddy her sister always slept with. She looked at it with anger, why should they have this? They never appreciated her like Sisu did, her mom didn't even shed a tear when it happened.

Sisu stuffed the bear in her bag and stood to leave, her step father started screaming from downstairs and fear struck her like a bolt of lightning. She crept down the hallway and watched the two of them arguing from the top of the stairs.

"What the hell is wrong with you, kyona? Where's the rest of my money?!"

"Carl, that's all I have. They cut my pay check this month because I had to go to the hospital last week-"

"That's no excuse!" He jolted up from the recliner in a drunken rage. He went to hit her but the lights suddenly went dead.

My Hero Academia: Black Light.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora