"Eudoria's?" Klaus questioned, peering at it from his distance.

"Yes," she nodded. "Camille and I went through some dark objects and I knew it was Kol's."

"If you want to find the spell he used, ask the other New Orleans witches. I doubt you'd find anything in that book, he made them in the 1900's."

"I'm trying to resurrect him," she said nonchalantly. "He himself would be more help."

"You wouldn't dare."

"You were upset when he died, wouldn't you like to see him again? And Finn? You can have your family back."

"Yes, but it comes with difficulties. Knowing Finn, he'd try and kill us again. And who knows where you've kept the white oak stake? It's immortal."

She smirked and shook her head, closing the grimoire. Moving past him, she vamped out of the apartment and landed in front of the church. There, Davina had already prepared the salt circle of lines, and Amelia handed her the book.

"Read from there," she told her, pointing at the spell.

"Okay," Davina said, clearing her throat. Amelia sat on the opposite side of the circle and crossed her legs. "Phes-matos..."

"Smoothly," Amelia told her. "Phesmatos." Davina eyed her and continued, pulling a gust of wind into the church. She continued her incantations and the wind became harder, blowing their hair.

Davina started to stand, finding that sitting down wasn't enough energy. Amelia decided to stand as well and watch as she yelled the Latin words at her.

"I told you not to!" Klaus's voice boomed. Amelia turned her head to see him and his hybrids enter the church, growling, ready to pounce.

"Melee!" another person shouted. She turned to look at the white dust of Kol's face and part of his upper body flickered in and out of existence. "Help me!"

"Davina, you're getting closer, keep going," Amelia urged. "Chanel me... and anyone I touch." She stood and faced the pack of vicious killers who hopefully, were compelled to not bite her.

"Stay back!" Klaus shouted. "She will turn you into corpses."

Amelia charged at him, going for her open chest first and pushed him back with a light touch, slightly draining him. He crashed into the pews and flipped over, landing in aisle she vamped to. Pickling him up by the collar, he used his claws to scratch her arms and even scarred her face before back-slapping her. She dropped him and he went for the full tackle and when she landed on the hardwood floors, she wrapped her arms around his waist and flipped him over. With that full-body contact, Davina was given more power.

Tyler tried to tear her from her concentration next to the circle but with one hand, she snapped his neck and resumed to her incantations. She closed her fists and brought them down, pulling Kol into the real world. However, someone had latched onto him through the jump.

"Finn," Klaus murmured.

Hayley spawned into the chaos and immediately bit Amelia in the shoulder and stole the witch away. Elijah was right after her and he disgracefully stared at everyone, even his returning brothers.

"Hello Nik," Kol's malicious voice rang at his brother who was groaning as he stood. Klaus stretched his bones into place and sighed, seeing his two brothers.

"You seem... unhappy," Finn stated. His eyes panned to Amelia who was touching her wounded shoulder. "Thank you Melee. At least someone cared to bring us back. However, I'm still stuck in this retched form."

"Be grateful," Rebekah said, entering. She rushed to give the two a hug. "Welcome back. We must toast in your return."

"Indeed we shall," Elijah agreed.

Amelia watched as everyone slowly left, forgetting about her. She had completely forgotten that Hayley had not been compelled into Klaus's bidding and a venomous bite would be the only thing to put her down. She knew that it was Elijah's plan because he knew for certain that a werewolf bite would be an immense fever and pain to an Original but not death. All they could hope was that she wouldn't have go through a blood lust.

She stood, a hand on her shoulder, and looked around at the mess she helped make; at least her plan came through. Now that she had Kol back- and Finn- she could do more research on the artifacts he had witches make over the years.

Vamping, she journeyed to the nearest safe place which was the bar Camille worked at. Like a drunkard, she stumbled in and slouched at a barstool. Camille looked at her once and immediately served her a drink.

"What happened to you?"

"Hayley bit me," Amelia responded.

"She's part werewolf, so I assume that's bad. You need Klaus's blood or you'll die."

"I'm an Original, I'll be fine," she said. She drank the shot and looked around the room and her eyes fell on Marcel who was staring at him. In this contest, she felt a bead of sweat run down her forehead and she broke her gaze away to wipe it. She sharply inhaled, hating the fact that she was sweating.

"I heard what you made Davina do," Marcel came to say. "That was shitty of you. She's my kid, not yours. I don't want you talking to her again, you hear me? Amelia-"

She snapped at him by getting a hold of his neck. The vampires he had been accompanied with turned to his aid, about to pounce. Marcel, knowing his age and place, raised his hands to calm them down, including Amelia. He then noticed her bleeding shoulder and understood.

"I just want a little something," she whispered, her face partially breaking into her black eyes and sharp K-9 teeth.

"Let's go out back and you can feed," he assured her. "Not here." She complied and he led her outside and into the alleyway. There, he tilted his head and she drank from his pumping arteries. She liked that taste of the vervain-tainted blood and couldn't get enough. "That's alright. Amelia, that's enough." He was able to push her away and he stumbled back as his neck healed.

"I'm so... so-"


"Yes," she expressed happily. She shook her head and smirked, "You'll never be enough," before disappearing from his sight.

She freely ran the walkways of the illuminated city, laughing, and drinking all kinds of blood. She found human, witch, and vampire, and they were all delightful. Even through her spree, she refrained from getting messy and didn't drop any bodies. She was too poise to do that.

Amelia was following a witch down a dark alley; her hair long and blonde. She turned another corner and when she followed, she was gone. Amelia halted to listen but what she heard wasn't current or central. She heard someone speaking Old Norse, a language Amelia could barely remember, but knew exactly what it was.

She turned to see the woman, her next victim, with a hand up, saying incantations. A normal witch's power was useless to her but this woman, this old witch, was able to put her mind into a delirium. Amelia screamed at this pain in the center of mind and when physical pain was added to this, she felt immense agony. She had been tortured before by her own teacher but this was something of an enemy.

The woman was able to put the Original on her knees before inanimately grabbing her spinal cord and snapping it. She stared at her body and a grim smile fell on her face.

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