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"What time is it?" I ask groggily.

"Way past your bedtime." The man mutters sarcastically.

My hands are bound together in front of me, the cold metal chain making my skin red from pulling so hard. I just need to get out of here. Wherever here is.

"He'll find us." I say, clearing my throat. "He'll kill all of you."

The man just rolls his eyes. "Your boyfriend has no idea where you are, little girl. No one is coming for you." He turns his head towards Elio. "Or him."

My eyes flick over to Elio and a pained sob leaves my throat. What have they done to him? He coughs up more blood, hunched over on the floor with his hands tied behind his back.

I call out to him and he slowly lifts his head, his dark eyes finding mine. Barely able to see with the amount of tears obscuring my vision, I desperately fight them out, feeling them fall down my cheeks.

"Oh, you feel sorry for him?" The man jibes as he walks over to Elio and turns, looking at me. "Don't be, because we're not."

With that, he sends one kick straight into Elio's stomach, causing me to cry out, begging him to stop.  I can't stand this. I can't watch this much longer. Who are these people and why are they doing this to us?

I'm not even sure how long we've been here but they've managed to beat Elio so badly that I'm not even sure he'd be able to walk. They hurt him repeatedly in front of me, as though they were trying to prove some kind of point.

They wanted him to talk. Elio would never talk. So they beat him instead.

The man's phone vibrates and he checks it, his eyes flicking up to me. "Looks like boss has finally arrived."

My brows furrow but when I lock eyes with Elio, an unsettling feeling floods through my body. The man puts his phone back into his pocket and takes a step away from Elio, looking towards the door which is ajar.

I follow his gaze, focusing on the door when it is pushed open, revealing another man as he enters the room. Elio immediately attempts to move over to me but is stopped by the man from before.

My attention is now on the person who just entered the room, my mind filling with curiosity as how he could be the boss of anything.

Who is this man?

I observe him, my eyes trying to notice every single detail about him. His long dark hair, slicked back and stopping just above his shoulders. The scar running along the left side of his neck, connecting with his jaw and cheek. I bet that hurt. His dark soulless eyes and rough skin, to the tattoos on his hands and stud in his right ear. He appears to be in his late forties, maybe early fifties.

He watches me, his stare making me feel increasingly uncomfortable.

Elio attempts to move again but he's stopped a second time. His erratic behaviour is becoming more alarming and I try to take a step back, to move away from this man but my back hits a cold wall.

Then suddenly it clicks.

This man is Skender. He killed Renzo's parents.

He continues to approach me, a small smirk making it's way onto his face.

"Get the fuck away from her." Elio spits as he attempts to stand up but is kicked back down to the ground. 

He coughs and grimaces in pain, receiving her another kick, this time winding him completely as he falls forward and his head hits the floor.

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