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When I awake the next morning, my eyes are heavy and my head is pounding. Sofia and I remained in the library until way past midnight, discussing our favourite reads and just enjoying each other's company.

From the sounds of things, she feels just as lonely as I do here. In this large house full of men who could easily kill you as quick as you could blink.

Nothing about this house is homely. It feels more like a prison than anything else.

A prison with a swimming pool, an enormous backyard, a gym, games room, a library, a home cinema, and more bedrooms than I have fingers. But still a prison.

A gentle knocking on the door urges me to snap out of my thoughts. After telling whoever it is to come in, the door begins to open. Cora appears, a very faint smile on her face as she enters.

"Boss instructed that I inform you on this weekends event." She explains and I groan internally, not prepared for another event yet.


She nods her head, approaching the bed with a small notepad in her hands. "It is a charity gala. It will require you to wear a formal dress."

Yay. Another dress. How exciting.

With a subtle roll of my eyes, I eventually appear to register what she just said. "A gala?" I repeat.

"Yes. Different to the events you have attended so far. More formal." She replies.

"Cora, I really don't need any other dresses. I have loss in the closet." I explain but she just sakes her head, dismissing it.

"Not for a gala. Boss requested that you are to get a new one." Great. "He has left for the city with Leandro and Elio but will be back this evening. He has asked if there is anything else you require?"

Apart from my life back? No not really.

I shake my head, sinking down into the bed as Simon snuggles into my side. I glance down at him and release a small sigh.

"Actually, there is." I tell Cora and her brows raise while she waits for me to continue. "I want to be able to take Simon outside today. He needs some fresh air."

She looks a little uncertain but soon enough, nods her head. "I will speak to Matteo since he has been left in charge while boss is gone."

Offering her an appreciative smile, she waits around to see if there's anything else before eventually leaving the room.

Once I've freshened up, I head downstairs to the kitchen for some breakfast, noticing Sofia sat at the table. She looks up, a small smile forming on her lips as she spots me.

"Morning," she greets.

"Hey," I say as I take a seat opposite her.

Anna appears and I give her a friendly smile which she returns. "What can I get for you?" She asks.

"Uh, just a bowl of cereal today please." I tell her, not feeling particularly hungry this morning,

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