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I hold the small picture frame in my hand, turning it over and reading the written inscription on the back. Francesco and Lorelei Antonelli.

A ghost of a smile pulls at my lips but I force it back down, refusing to feel anything when I look at this photograph. It's because I felt too much that I am the way I am now.

Feelings hurt. And hurt causes pain. And pain leaves a constant reminder of what has made you hurt to begin with.

Placing the photograph back down on the cabinet in my office, I pick up my pistol and check the rounds, making sure it's fully loaded.

I run a hand down my face and release an agitated breath, my mind continuing to travel back to Lula at every chance it gets. I don't know why I can't get her out of my god damn head.

Her long blonde hair, blue eyes, soft pink lips. Fuck what is happening to me? Muttering under my breath, I walk out of my office, placing my gun into the waistband at the back of my slacks.

Leandro greets me as I make my way towards the foyer. "Brother." He nods once in acknowledgment.

"Is everything set?" I ask.

"Sì," he responds. I stand in front of him, looking around as Domenico and Davide pass us by, heading out to the cars.

Leandro follows me as I walk outside and down the steps, towards the black Range Rover where Gianni stands with the door open for me.

I get in the car and adjust my slacks, running my hand down my thighs as I lift myself up from the chair. I reach up and unfasten one of the top buttons on my dress shirt, pulling at the material in an attempt to cool down.

The doors close and Elio jumps in the drivers seat beside Domenico who's in the passenger. We begin to drive away from the house and I can't fight the urge to look over my shoulder as the car travels further away.

I find myself wondering if Lula is still asleep, or if she's awake. Perhaps she's getting dressed or she's in the shower. Fuck. Don't think about that shit, Renzo.

I close my eyes, exhaling in annoyance as I clench my jaw, thinking about that fucking toy Matteo found at her apartment.

When he told me about it, I wanted to kill him initially. For some reason I hated the thought of him finding something so personal that belonged to her. I didn't know what to do with it at first. Keep it there? Bring it here?

The longer I took to decide, the longer Matteo would be at her apartment, waiting for an answer. So I just told him to pack it in the box.

I wasn't thinking properly. Why did I think it was a good idea to actually give her the vibrator in the first place. If I heard her using it, I don't think I'd be able to control myself.

Anyway, I fucking told her to use it. What was that all about? Whatever happens, I've brought this on myself.

"How long is the photographer staying here for then?" Leandro asks, clearly holding back the sarcasm in his voice.

"I don't know."

He rolls his eyes, resting an arm on the edge of the car door. "Don't let her get in your head. Remember why you took her in the first place."

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