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I woke up with the worst hangover in the history of hangovers. Renzo found it amusing, obviously, but sat with me in the bathroom while I emptied all my happiness from the night before into the toilet.

Renzo's club was an experience, to say the least.

He never did let me go down to the basement, even though I was half tempted to try and sneak past him and take a look at it for myself a few times. Although I was more than aware that I'd never be able to leave his line of sight. His eyes were on me like a moth drawn to flame the entire night.

For the first time in weeks, months even, I just forgot all my troubles and actually had fun. Admittedly it was a little difficult at first, especially with the dozens of women staring at Renzo like he was the most delicious piece of candy that they were desperate to unwrap.

It was annoying. I was jealous. I wasn't afraid to admit it to Renzo either — that's if it wasn't already evident on my face.

Apart from that, the night was fine.

I remembered overhearing a few comments in the past about a girl who works there with pink hair that had links to Leandro, so I made sure to be on the look out for her but never saw her.

I met Julian, the manager of the club and a couple of the bar staff who were all friendly and went above and beyond to make sure I had fun exploring different drinks.

Which I definitely did.

It was a great idea at the time. Not so much the morning after though.

Renzo warned me not to push my limit but I was having fun. I'm more than aware of my limit but that went completely out of the window once I found out I liked numerous new cocktails.

He kept tabs on me though. He never let me get too far and once he knew I'd had enough, he put a stop to it. Safe to say I wasn't best pleased about that at the time, but I'm grateful for it now.

Speaking of Renzo, once he knew I was feeling a little better and actually stopped vomiting, he had to leave with Elio and Gianni for a meeting with a consumer in Atlantic City.

He was hesitant to leave initially, telling me he'd just reschedule the meeting but I assured him that I'd be fine. The last thing I want to do is start to disrupt his work.

So he left me in the trusted hands of none other than his charming brother. Yes, Leandro is my babysitter today. He's just as thrilled about it as I am, I'm sure.

I'm not sure how we ended up here, but we're here nonetheless.

His dark eyes harden as he shifts in his seat across from me at the table. I don't look away though, or give him any inkling that I'm nervous to be so isolated with him.

I'm shitting my pants. But he doesn't need to know that. Even though he probably already does, anyway.

It's been a few hours since Renzo left and we're not expecting him home until the early hours of the morning, so I get to spend the day with Mr Happy.


"What?" I snip as he rests his arms on the table, his hands clasped together in front of him.

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