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I dive into the pool, the fresh water cold against my skin on the initial impact. My body goes under and for a few seconds, everything's quiet. Peaceful.

There's no sound. No noise. No.. anything.

My body is engulfed in the water, my subconscious taking me somewhere else for a brief moment. I allow my body to just sink, float, whatever. It's so quiet here.

As if I've been jolted back into reality, my eyes open and I realise where I am and how long I've probably been here for. Looking up towards the glimmer of sunlight on the surface of the water, I swim up to it, breaking out with a deep breath.

The air hits me all at once, going straight to my lungs as I tread water to keep myself afloat. My long blonde hair floats in the water behind me as I run a hand over my face, brushing it out of my eyes.

A smile spreads from my mouth up to my cheeks as I tip my head back, resting it in the water. It's cold out of the water as much as it is in the water. Still only being February, the temperatures aren't exactly warm yet.

I lay on my back and allow my body to float, my eyes closed as I take slow and deep breaths. It's been roughly five weeks since I arrived here, each day passing by in more of a blur than the one before.

So much has happened in such a short space of time. It feels like I've been here for a lot longer than I have, and I've never been more aware of time in my life.

I keep track of time as much as I can now. It's like I'm always checking it. One hour passes into another hour, the numbers moving so slowly.

There's nothing for me to look forward to anymore. No morning trips to the coffee shop, no catching the subway, no walking through Central Park, no sleeping in my own bed at my apartment, no seeing my family, no more career.

No more life outside of this place.

I've never felt so trapped. So helpless. I hate it. I hate what Renzo is doing to me.

Whether he's just messing with my head and lying about not playing mind games, I'm not sure. I don't trust him and I'm not going to allow myself to fall for his manipulative ways.

He waltz's into the bedroom and thinks he can just kiss me and touch me whenever he wants. My body does not belong to him. I am my own person and from now on, I'm off limits.

I know what I said to him yesterday but I've changed my mind. Today is a new day and I guess the pool water has made me think clearer.

Lifting my head, I move my arms back and forth in front of me, watching the small splashes I'm creating. Voices from behind me steal my attention and I glance over my shoulder, watching as Renzo walks out of the house with Elio and the same unfamiliar blonde from the other day.

All three men take a seat in the patio chairs, Renzo blowing out a long puff of smoke from his cigarette as he leans back in his seat.

My gaze switches over to the blonde man and my brows knit together. Why is he here again? What business does he have with Renzo?

Elio laughs at something blonde guy says and I turn myself around in the water so that I'm facing them. The distance between us is preferably far, them being just outside the house while I'm half way across the backyard.

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