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"Tutto è pronto, capo." Gianni confirms as I approach the cars, making my way down the steps at the front of the house.
[translation: everything is ready, boss]

I give him a subtle nod in response, adjusting the front of my black suit jacket as he opens the car door for me. Slipping into the backseat, I click my neck side to side, watching as the door beside me opens and Leandro gets in.

Since buying Illusion a few months ago, it seems as though I've had issue after issue with the place. If it's not drugs being smuggled in, it's drinks being spiked. Fights are usually a regular occurrence too, but luckily the security usually get the people out before it escalates.

The nightclub was actually Leandro's idea. I've never been one to get myself involved in that sort of business, but Leandro ensured that it would be a great opportunity and also a good place to filter money through.

It took a lot of convincing, but I eventually came round to the idea. Not that I can say it's been an easy ride. However, the business is good and it's grown in popularity considerably since opening.

The renovations to the building cost me a fucking fortune, but once it was turned into a fully functioning club, it sparked a lot of interest more or less from the get-go.

However, it does mean having to make regular trips to ensure it's running smoothly and there are no complications. That's the annoying part.

"So what's the deal with blondie?" Leandro quizzes and I arch a brow at him.


"The little photographer who sits in her room all day waiting to escape, like fucking some fucking Disney Princess." He mocks and I poke the inside of my mouth with my tongue, agitated by his question.

"Why are you so bothered by her?" I scowl.

He scoffs, throwing me a look. "Why am I bothered? Oh, I don't know Renzo, maybe because she's a fucking liability, a rat, and an uptight little bitch?"

"She's the complete opposite, Andro." I tell him. "The girl doesn't know shit. It wasn't an intentional take."

"How do you know that for sure?" He asks.

"Because I do." I tell him firmly. "Don't worry yourself over her, she isn't going to cause us any problems."

He doesn't respond, instead just lifting his brows and pursing his lips, looking out of the window as the car begins to move.

The journey into the city shouldn't take that long, so I get comfortable and answer a few emails, scrolling through my phone and checking the security cameras, noticing Lula isn't showing up on any of them.

She must still be asleep.

.                    .                    .

We hit some traffic on the way to the club which was annoying but not exactly unexpected. The traffic here can be a real pain in my ass sometimes.

The city is always so busy and lively, with a lot of tourists adding to the already bustling streets. Having to actually drive through them is a chore in itself. Timing isn't even a thing when it comes to judging journeys because the city is like this twenty-four hours of every day.

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