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I haven't been able to relax since Renzo created that scene in front of all those people. He did it with good intentions, I know that, but I can't help but feel completely on edge by it.

After he spoke to me by the foyer and actually appeared to make sure that I was okay, he disappeared with Leandro hot on his trail.

It's still difficult to process the fact that Renzo actually stood up for me. He didn't mock me, didn't laugh, didn't tell me to get over it. Instead he took it upon himself to defend me.

The man who ordered me to be taken from my apartment and forced me to leave my life behind to benefit him, defended me against one of his own men.

It doesn't make any sense.

Exhaling deeply, I make my way through the house cautiously, double checking every corner I turn in case I bump into Davide.

I nervously head down the hallway and attempt to walk past Renzo's office, when loud voices from inside grab my attention.

"You're letting this girl get in your head!" A deep voice shouts. "What was that, huh? Since when did you start threatening your own men like that?"

"Don't forget who you're speaking to, Leandro." Renzo reminds him sternly.

"I don't give a shit! What's gotten into you? Why have you kept her around for so long? Why isn't she dead yet!" Leandro goes on.

A loud thump startles me, a groan following shortly afterwards. "Watch your mouth, brother." Renzo growls and when more muffled sounds come from the room, it's obvious that Renzo has Leandro pinned against a wall.

"She's going to ruin this. It's only a matter of time." Leandro says angrily. "I hope you know what you're doing."

"It's under control." Renzo tells him and Leandro scoffs.

"Yeah, it seems like it." He retorts. "Just don't expect me to kiss her ass like you seem to be. If she gets in my way, I'll deal with her myself."

The door suddenly swings open and Leandro appears, his hazel eyes falling on me. I take a step back, fearing him but he just glares at me, muttering under his breath and walking off through the house.

I remain frozen in place, too scared to move. What did he mean by that? I'll deal with her myself. He'd hurt me? Kill me?

The office door opens again and Renzo appears, stood in the doorway as his brown eyes fall on me. I shift uncomfortably and attempt to walk past the office when he calls out to me.


I'm hesitant to listen to him, but I know better than to aggravate any of the men in this house. Cautiously I look back up at him and fight desperately to slow my heart rate down.

"Come inside, I need to speak to you." He says and I watch as he steps back, allowing me to enter the office.

Doing as he asks, I walk inside and he closes the door behind me, approaching his desk and walking around to the chair before sitting down. I take a seat too, clasping my hands together in my lap.

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