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Over the past few days, I've been deeply contemplating whether or not I regret my decision not to attempt escaping while I was at the dress shop.

I could've. I know I could've done it. Whether I'd have gotten hurt in the process, or if someone else might have been injured. I guess I'll never know now.

Something was holding me back. At first I thought it was the risk of me being caught, or hurt in the process. But now, I don't think it was that at all.

Nothing makes sense and my brain hurts trying to think of the reasons I didn't make a run for it. All I know is that I didn't and now I'm back here in this enormous house, standing in front of my kidnapper as he smokes a cigarette, his chestnut eyes watching me like a hawk.

"The target for tonight is the same woman from the last event. Nadia." He explains.


"Because she is attending the event alone. I have no intel on her accompanying anyone and I want to know why that is." He answers.

"If she's attending alone, that must mean she's targeting someone." I tell him and the corners of his lips lift slightly.

"Clever girl."

He puts out his cigarette into an ashtray on his desk, blowing out one last puff of smoke before walking over to me.

Usually I take a step back out of instinct when he approaches some, but for whatever reason, this time I don't. I remain stood exactly where I am, just waiting to him to stop in front of me. He must notice this because a ghost of a smirk appears on his lips.

"You will be attending tonight as Rose." He explains, placing a hand in his pocket.

"Are you sure we can keep the fake name up?" I cock my head. "You slipped up last time." I remind him.

"You we're walking away from me. I called your name out on instinct." He defends.

"Still slipped up." I goad, clicking my tongue against the roof of my mouth. "We wouldn't want anyone to start asking questions, would we?"

His eyes turn a shade darker, narrowing slightly. "I hope you're not mocking me, Lula."

I purse my lips, raising my brows as if I have no idea what he's talking about. "Mocking? That's quite a bold accusation."

Where the fuck is this confidence coming from?

This time he doesn't attempt to hide the smirk on his face, wetting his lips with his tongue and taking another step towards me.

"Getting brave I see." He murmurs. "I like the confidence. It suits you."

"It's either that or cower around you all." I retort and he releases a breathy laugh, shaking his head in amusement.

"It seems you're learning." He says. "I hope you're going to have your hair curled tonight. I like it curly."

I suck in a sharp breath. "Hmm, no. I think I'm going to have it straight." I tell him sarcastically, watching as he arches a brow.

"Oh really? Shame." He mumbles playfully. His eyes drop down to my lips and I gulp. "Fammi sentire quelle dolci labbra."
[translation: let me feel those sweet lips]

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