"Appreciated, but right now, J'onn wants you to help Astra and I get Fort Rozz ready to enter the Phantom Zone to find her." Brainy said.

"Fine, but I do want to talk to Alex about Esme, since I think it would be better if she stayed with me instead of her." Lena said.

"That's something I'll let you work out with her." Brainy said.

"Brainy, keep me updated on anything." Lena said.

"I will. See you soon." Brainy said.

"Not soon enough." Lena said as she hung up, trying to keep the tears about what Kara must be going through right now from falling, since she knew once they started, they'd likely never stop.

When Kara started to come to, the first thing that came to her attention was the chill she was feeling as her vision cleared up and she immediately wanted to go back to sleep, since she recognized where she was and it was her worst nightmare come to life. Non had sent her back to the Phantom Zone and this time, she wasn't safe inside a pod, now she was out in the zone, exposed to all its horrors. Especially the creatures that gave the zone its name. The Phantoms.

"No, no, leave me alone." Kara screamed as she wished she had her powers as she tried to back away from the phantoms, but she knew that they were being attracted to her fear. But she couldn't help it.

However, just as she was about to be swarmed by the phantoms, Kara felt someone grab her shoulder and pull her into a nearby cave.

"Who did that?" Kara asked, trying to calm her heart rate down so that it didn't pound right out of her chest.

"I did." said a voice that Kara never thought she'd hear again as she turned to see her father Zor-El, who she'd thought had died in both this reality and the old one, standing in front of her.

"Dad?" Kara asked.

"Who are you and how do you bear the glyph of my house?" Zor-El asked her.

"Dad, it's me, it's Kara. Your daughter." Kara said, not believing her eyes.

"No, it can't be. My daughter is dead." Zor-El said sadly, only to have Kara place her hand on his shoulder.

"No father, it's really me. I survived. I thought you were dead too. You and mom." Kara said, wondering why the hell her father was here.

"Kara, can that really be you?" Zor-El asked, as for the first time in he wasn't sure how long, he allowed himself to feel hope.

"Yes, it's me. I never thought I'd see you again." Kara said as she threw her arms around her father in joy and though Zor-El was still skeptical for a moment, the second he realized she was real, he hugged her just as tightly as they both cried tears of joy at being reunited.

"How, how are you alive? I thought you died with the rest of Krypton?" Kara asked.

"Actually, I was able to ensure that a small portion of Krypton survived." Zor-El said.

"What do you mean?" Kara asked, even though she already knew.

"Before Krypton exploded, I created a shield to protect Argo City from the blast. The only reason your mother and I sent you away is because we weren't sure if it would work. But from what I saw it did. I had to stay behind on Krypton to activate the shield and once I did, I sent myself here in a last ditch attempt to save myself." Zor-El said.

"Wait, you're saying mom might still be alive too?" Kara asked, her joy completely genuine.

"Yes, but Kara, you can't really believe that we'll ever escape this place." Zor-El said.

"Astra did and so did Non. He's actually the one who sent me here. Payback against mom for sending him to Fort Rozz." Kara said as she explained everything to her father, actually feeling joy, something she never thought she'd feel while in the Phantom Zone, at being able to talk to him again.

"You were trapped here once before as a child." Zor-El said and Kara nodded.

"But I escaped once and I have no doubt that my family back on Earth will be looking for a way to save me now. And when they do, I'm taking you with me. We're going home. Especially since you're a grandfather." Kara said and she could tell that now she had her father's full attention.

"I have a grandchild?" Zor-El asked.

"Well, an adopted grandchild. Her name is Esme and she's actually a Dyralian. She's about 4 years old, nearly 5 and there are very few things I've wanted more than to be able to introduce her to you and mom." Kara said.

"And you will. I cannot wait to meet my granddaughter, along with the rest of the family you've found on Earth." Zor-El said with a smile, which Kara shared before she thought of something.

"Dad, in your time here, did you ever come across any green martians?" Kara asked.

"Why?" Zor-El asked, because my friend, well, more like a father figure to me, J'onn J'onzz, his brother was wrongfully sent here, it's a long story, but I want to find him and bring him back with us so he and J'onn can make peace." Kara said and Zor-El smiled.

"I haven't left this cave long enough to interact with anyone else. My priority has been surviving." Zor-El said apologetically.

"Don't worry about it, I understand. We'll find a way to find him eventually, even if it means making a return trip here after we're rescued." Kara said and Zor-El nodded as he implored her to tell him more about her life on Earth.

Second Chances: Supergirl - Rough DraftWhere stories live. Discover now