Chapter 7

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Okay, and now I'm back to this story. I appreciate everyone's patience while I finished the rewrites of those other stories. Now that they're caught up, I can finally return to writing the entire second chances series. I was hoping to get it done before the CW returns and while it was cutting it kind of close, I pulled it off.

Also, on an unrelated note, did anyone else hear that the CW could potentially be sold?

Also, one last thing, does anyone else wish that at least Clark and Lois had been able to attend Alex and Kelly's wedding, even if none of the other heroes could? After all, considering how close they are with both the Danvers and Olsen families, I get that there were scheduling conflicts due to them working on their own show. I just wanted to put that out there.

Anyways, now on with the series, starting with Second Chances: Supergirl.

"Sorry I'm late." Nia said when she finally joined Alex, J'onn and Lena in their meeting at Lena's office.

"Better late than never. What does Cat think you're doing?" Alex asked her, since Nia was also a reporter at Catco.

"Actually, since Kara's out for the day with Esme, I swear, I never thought I'd see Cat at anything that wasn't the suffering of her employees, but Kara's daughter has that effect on people, but anyways, Kara handed her interview with Lena off to me, so, I thought we could knock out more than one thing today." Nia said and Lena nodded.

"We'll get to that, but what's in the bag?" Lena asked, referring to the much larger than a purse bag Nia had brought with her.

"My suit." Nia said as she pulled it out.

"How do you already have that?" Alex asked and Nia sighed.

"It's because of one of the numerous changes in this reality. One that's both good and bad. The good thing is that I discovered that I was the one who inherited my mother's dream powers shortly after I made my transition." Nia said and they all nodded, knowing what she meant by that.

"Well, at least that means that your mother was able to train you." Lena said, since they all knew how much Nia had missed her mother and how lost she'd been without her guidance in her powers.

"Yeah, that's the good part. The bad part is how Maeve reacted when she found out she'd been skipped over." Nia said.

"She reacted the same way she did the last time." Alex said and Nia nodded.

"And what makes things worse was because of when she said those words. When she said that I wasn't a real girl, my transition was still relatively new, I was still adjusting. But until that moment, she'd been my biggest supporter and then in one fell swoop, she suddenly made everything even harder. The only thing that made it easier was the fact that my parents took my side in the argument, hell, they nearly disowned Maeve for what she said to me. I can still remember what mom said to her. That she could not be more disappointed in Maeve, since the Dreamer would never say something like that to her own sister. But honestly, losing Maeve's support, something that I'd been counting my entire life, I decided that I didn't want to be the Dreamer. I let mom train me just so that I could control my powers so that I could sleep at night, but I didn't want to be the Dreamer, I didn't want to be a hero. I let Maeve's words hold me back. But not anymore. J'onn, when you restored my memories, you reminded me that I don't need to give a damn about what Maeve thinks, because my sister would never have said those words to me. And I'm done letting her control my life. But first, I need a suit upgrade. Kara told me how you made her suit Lena and I was hoping you could upgrade mine. I don't need the gloves Brainy originally built to help me channel dream energy since I've learned to do it myself, but I wouldn't mind the upgrade." Nia said.

"You really trust me with that?" Lena asked.

"Kara trusts you, so I will too. Besides, with Winn in Metropolis and no sign of Brainy yet, you are kind of the Superfriends' resident tech genius." Nia said.

"I appreciate the vote of confidence." Lena said as she took the suit.

"Careful with that. It's been in my family for generations." Nia said.

"I know. I'm just taking a look at it to see how I can modify it. Just curious, do you still need those gauntlets that Brainy built for you when you first started, since I'd need data from the Fortress in order to build them." Lena said.

"Appreciated, but no. That part of my powers has always been relatively easy for me to figure out. I'm more interested in being able to carry it around whenever I need to without arousing suspicion." Nia said.

"Well, I'll see what I can do, since unlike Kara's suit, which I designed from scratch and built with nanites, so that was simple, but this, I'll need to find a way to lace the suit with nanites without damaging it and that will take time, especially since it's going to have a little while." Lena said.

"Why, what are you working on besides our base?" Alex asked Lena, raising an eyebrow at her.

"Relax, it's something Kara asked me to make. A signal watch for Esme." Lena said and Alex immediately calmed down.

"Okay then, never mind." Alex said, feeling guilty for assuming the worst.

"It's fine Alex. I get it. I still have a long way to go to regain your trust." Lena said.

"You have no idea." Alex muttered under her breath until J'onn shot her a look that read drop it.

"So anyways, at least Supergirl will have Dreamer backing her up." Nia said.

"Why only you?" Alex asked.

"Because last time I checked, the DEO doesn't technically exist, so you can't exactly go rushing out there right now Alex, using government equipment for vigilante work and J'onn, I'm pretty sure Hank Henshaw doing that would definitely raise some eyebrows." Nia said.

"Except that it won't be Hank Henshaw, it'll be J'onn J'onzz." J'onn said.

"Wait, what?" Lena asked, since that was news to her too.

"Another benefit of this earth is that I'm no longer hiding as Hank Henshaw. The president and the DEO already know the truth, that I am J'onn J'onzz, not Henshaw and the president agreed to allow me to continue running the DEO, since she agreed with my defense. The best way to protect this planet against rogue aliens is with an alien. Especially since she agrees that Henshaw was the worst choice she could've made for the head of the DEO, considering how far he took things." J'onn said.

"Okay then, I guess we'll have Martian Manhunter too, but Alex, you see my point don't you?" Nia asked.

"Yeah, I do, as much as I don't like it, you're right." Alex admitted.

"What about our other members?" Lena asked.

"James and Winn are both in Metropolis, picking up the slack there since Superman is no longer living there." J'onn said.

"You mean Clark Kent?" Lena asked, surprising them.

"Wait, you know who Superman is?" Alex asked.

"Once I found out Kara was Supergirl, it wasn't hard to put it together, honestly, I'm amazed Lex never figured it out." Lena said and Alex chuckled.

"I guess we know who the smarter sibling is." Alex said and Lena nodded.

"Anyways, you were saying?" Lena asked.

"Right, so anyways, since Clark moved to Smallville with Lois and the boys, James has started picking up some of the slack in Metropolis with Winn as his tech guy and I haven't found any trace of Brainy yet. There's a chance that he hasn't arrived in this time period yet." J'onn said and Nia nodded, disappointed.

"He'll pop up sooner or later when the Legion shows up to fight Reign." Alex told her.

"Speaking of, I need to start working on the Harun-El, since now that I remember how to make it, I can use it to separate Sam from Reign, not to mention Julia and Grace from Purity and Pestilence before any of the worldkillers emerge." Lena said and they all nodded.

"Why don't we discuss this more at game night tonight, after Esme's gone to sleep of course." Nia said and they all nodded in agreement at that as J'onn and Alex wrapped up their business with Lena before leaving her and Nia alone for the interview.

Second Chances: Supergirl - Rough DraftWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu