Chapter 18

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Alex had gone numb after hearing the words leave Astra's mouth. Kara was gone. Non had sent her back to her own personal hell, since Alex knew better than anyone that the Phantom Zone was Kara's purgatory, the place that she was truly scared of. Which was why J'onn had ordered Dreamer and Brainy back to the DEO before telling Astra she was clear to bring the asshole back to the DEO for questioning, though Alex knew that it was more than likely going to be torture and she didn't mind, in fact, she was hoping that she'd get to be the one to inflict that pain on him. However, her thoughts briefly turned from the tortures she'd inflict on Non to how the hell she was going to tell Esme that her mom wasn't coming home right now. She didn't even want to think about the look on her niece's face. Or the look on Lena's face, since she knew how much this would hurt the woman Alex was slowly accepting as the love of Kara's life.

"Alex, can you control yourself until Non is in holding?" J'onn asked.

"You don't need to read my mind to know the answer to that question J'onn." Alex said, anger clear in her voice.

"I take it we were called in to hold Alex back." Dreamer asked as she and Brainy entered the DEO.

"Yeah, I can't have her roughing Non up until I can condone it as interrogation." J'onn said, since he already had a cell specifically picked out for Non.

Speaking of the bastard, Astra landed on the ground near them and tossed Non's unconscious body to the ground.

"I'm going to kill you." Alex snarled, right as Dreamer and Brainy barely managed to restrain her in time for J'onn to signal to his other agents to take him to the cell they'd prepared.

"Astra, as much as I wish I could let you be a part of Non's interrogation." J'onn said to Kara's aunt.

"I understand. I'm assuming that his cell has been equipped with everything known to harm kryptonians on Earth?" Astra asked and J'onn nodded.

"Understandable. Besides, I have other things to attend to. Such as getting Fort Rozz in shape for interdimensional travel, since it's the most logical way to search the phantom zone for Kara." Astra said and J'onn nodded in agreement.

"Brainy, maybe you should help her with that. Also see if there's any tech on board your ship that could help." J'onn said, since with Kara gone, J'onn had taken command of the Superfriends.

"I'll call Lena too. She needs to know about this and she'd never forgive us if we didn't tell her." Brainy said and Alex looked at him gratefully, if only because she was going to have a hard enough time telling Esme about this, she didn't think she could face Lena.

"What's the big deal about this Lena woman? I know she and Kara are friends?" Astra asked as the Superfriends all exchanged looks.

"Astra, Lena is more than just Kara's friend. She's the love of your niece's life and you just got Kara back, do you really want to isolate her like that by not approving?" Alex asked her, but Astra just chuckled.

"Honestly, I wish that Krypton had been a bit more understanding about that sort of thing. As long as Kara is happy, I don't care who it's with. However, if this Lena hurts her, I will kill her." Astra said.

"Get in line." Alex said, grateful for something to distract her from the hell her sister was in.

"Wait, what?" Lena asked when Brainy told her what happened over the phone as she rode in her private jet back home from Ireland.

"Non sent Kara into the Phantom Zone. Alex and J'onn are dealing with the interrogation of Non." Brainy said.

"Tell Alex to make sure there isn't a single part of Non that isn't hurt. I think I'll tap into my dark Luthor side to help with that." Lena said.

Second Chances: Supergirl - Rough DraftHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin