Chapter 9

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Okay first off, am I the only one who's thinking that Lucy got screwed over in this new reality.

Second off and more importantly, here's the list of Supergirl trophies. Reactron's core, Vartox's axe, Myriad, the totems, Cyborg Superman's cybernetic arm, Metallo's heart, the staff of Kolar, Lex's kryptonite/lead bomb, Agent Liberty's suit, a Lexosuit, Parasite, Hat's hat, Leviathan's kryptonite rings, the bottle that will contain Leviathan, Supergirl Bizarro's cape, a Daxamite soldier's blaster and the omegahedron Non used to power Myriad.

Also, just because I got tired of the wait, just as I'm sure at least some of you have as well, this chapter will have a much awaited scene in it. I'm sure you can guess what I mean. And now on with the story.

That night, game night was in full effect after J'onn had arrived, though Kara was a bit confused about why Alex was so insistent that she pair with Lena during every game, not that she minded, but still, it was confusing seeing the slight smirk on her sister's face or how seeing how Lena's face appeared to blush every time Kara's hand appeared to touch her's.

Lena on the other hand was both cursing and thanking Alex for this, since she had to admit, this was the first time she and Kara had been in close quarters like this, even if it was only sitting next to each other on the couch for game night and somehow, it was giving her a bit more courage than usual.

Anyways, after Kara had put Esme to bed, not that the little girl had been easy to put to sleep, since she wanted to stay up and play with her new friends, but eventually Kara managed to get her to go to sleep before activating the noise dampeners she'd asked Alex to install in her room, though it was only a one way dampener so that Esme couldn't hear what was going on outside of her room, but Kara could still hear inside it, though that was more for her babysitters, since Kara could use her super hearing.

"So, the little angel finally went down?" Alex asked with a smile as Kara returned to the room.

"Yeah, she did not want to go down, especially with J'onn and Lena here, but she knows the rules. Game night is not an excuse to stay up past her bedtime." Kara said.

"Wow, it's almost like you were born to be a mom." Lena said as Kara sat back down next to her.

"Thanks. Honestly, I'm not sure which is harder. Being Supergirl or being a mom." Kara said.

"Being a parent for sure." J'onn said, since he was the only one there with parental experience.

"Definitely." Kara agreed.

"Still, you manage it well." Alex said.

"Yeah, your mom taught you well." Nia said.

"Eh, actually, a lot of my parenting style comes from trying not to be like my mother or Eliza, since they both made mistakes." Kara said.

"I know about your mother's, but Eliza?" Lena asked.

"Honestly, she and Jeremiah and even Alex are the reason I never became Supergirl until now." Kara said as Alex glared at her.

"Really Kara?" Alex asked her sister, who shrugged.

"Don't even bother trying to deny it Alex. You all tried to convince me that the world didn't need me to be a hero, but you were wrong. You were more concerned with trying to protect me than you were with what I wanted to do with my life." Kara said.

"And I have apologized for that repeatedly." Alex said.

"I know Alex and I didn't mean you, we've already buried that hatchet. I meant Eliza." Kara said and Alex nodded.

"Okay, just checking." Alex said.

"Anyways, now that Esme is down for the night, maybe now we can start talking shop." J'onn said.

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