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Currently at a party trying to not have a panic attack because i got to close to the speakers and interacted with too many people lol (trying not to cry cause I can't find the restroom to hid)

I feel as if oxygen isn't entering my lungs TuT
A guy who i somewhat get along with invited me to sit with other people and i tried but then there were too many people and i didn't know where to sit so I just stayed standing and I ended up running away. I feel sorta bad for running away cause I was the one who asked if I could just stick with him but still I'd be so embarrassed if I had a panic attack around everyone

I feel like throwing up :/
I asked for my parents to pick me up, but I'm pretty far away from our house
I didn't even want to come, i just felt bad cause it's a friend's XV party and i missed her party last year

I feel like throwing up :/I asked for my parents to pick me up, but I'm pretty far away from our house I didn't even want to come, i just felt bad cause it's a friend's XV party and i missed her party last year

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Trying to stay as far as I can from noise, but it ain't helping enough

Came back home from Oxford, I live in the dessert the power is out and I'm dying, I'm currently laying on icepacks from lunchboxes

(Y/N)'s POV
I start getting into a suit and suddenly hear a knock on the door. "Wait a second!" I finish changing and open the door. I see my mom standing there with Lillie. "Hello!" "Mom! Lillie!" "You ready?" "Yeah!" I head out with them and we reach the venue. The door opens and everyone stands from their chair. I go by the arm with my mom and Gladion does the same with Lusamine. We walk down the aisle and they let go of us. Lusamine greets me with a kiss on the cheek and then goes to her seat, and my mom does the same with Gladion. The priest starts talking and everyone stands up, but I could care less, the only thing I could focus on was his beautiful face. The way his eyes stare into mine and the edges of his mouth are lifted in an exaggerated way that it almost seems as if his cheeks will fall out. I take his hands into mine and whisper: "Are you nervous?" He nods ever so slightly, then I whisper again. "Are you excited?" He nods his head quickly, but it was cute. "I'm excited, too." I say as I rub his hands with my thumbs. I grin. "I'm also very nervous." He blinks and gives me a look, almost as if he doesn't believe me. "What? Can't I be nervous?" I smile proudly at him and just in time it was the moment for me to say my vows. "Today, I will be marrying the most amazing man I've ever met, a caring man, a smart and brave man. A man who I probably don't deserve, a man who I never thought I'd get the chance to marry, but a man who I've been in love with for many years, and in my dreams I got that chance to marry him. Today those dreams became a reality. I just want to thank you, Gladion." I cup his cheek without breaking eye contact and caress it with my thumb. He moves his hand up to hold my own and leans into it.

"I want to thank you for giving me this chance, for making me the happiest person alive. Not just today, but every other single day. To thank you, but I would do this even if you hadn't given me this chance. I will always be there for you, I will respect you, I will love you, I will take care of you, I will be there to make you spaghetti, no garlic, obviously, my sweet vampire. I will be there when you get home, I will be there every day when you sing awfully as you shower, I will be there dancing with you when we clean the house, I will be there when you go to bed at night. You feel a lot, so I will be there when you're happy, or excited, or nervous, but I will specially be there when you're mad, when you're sad, when you want to be alone...I will be under the bed so you don't know I'm there, but I WILL be there. I will accompany you for as long as you allow me, and I will do everything so you're happy."

He was moving a lot, sort of bouncing and his grip on my hand got harder. Now it was time for him to say his votes. His eyes filled with tears, and a single tear spilled. Seconds after fell tear after tear, and he had a wide smile. My hands now one on each of his cheeks wiped his tears away. He tries to speak but his voice breaks every time he tries. I smile and he launches himself to hug me. "I- I just love you so much." His face hides between my neck and my shoulder. "I-I'm sorry I just- the words get stuck in my throat. You just make me so happy! I love you, I love you so much!" Right after he said that I felt as if I was floating. I felt light as if the weight of the world came off my shoulders. Tears start dripping from my eyes. "I love you, too. I love you so much, my sweet boy." Sylveon and mewtwo come with the rings and I place his on his finger, while he does the same with mine. We say at the same time: "I give this ring as a sign of my love."

"(Y/N) (L/N), do you take this man to be your husband, to live together in (holy) matrimony, to love him, to honor him, to comfort him, and to keep him in sickness and in health, forsaking all others, for as long as you both shall live?" "I do." "And do you, Gladion (whatever his last name is), take this man to be your husband, to live together in (holy) matrimony, to love him, to honor him, to comfort him, and to keep him in sickness and in health, forsaking all others, for as long as you both shall live?" "I do." "Then you may now both kiss the groom." I chuckle and kiss him. We both pull away and walk hand in hand out of the venue.

Gladion's POV
We head to the wedding party and go inside, greeting the guests as they arrive. (Y/N) was talking to my mom while Lillie pulled me aside. "Gladion, you better do it today or else I'm hiring a sniper to kill you." "Do what?" "What you do in the wedding night!" I blush. "But-" "No buts, you've been dating for a shit ton of time now!" "I mean, we've done it." "You have‽" "Y-yeah." "I thought you were saving it for today." "I mean we are, somewhat... it's... complicated." "You're saving him for today and he's been the one to give until now?" "That doesn't sound that complicated when you say it." "Fuck yeah! I'm getting a nephew/niece!" "You biologically canno-" "Shhhh that's not important." "Alrightttttt, uhmmm I'm going back to my husband now." I blush at the word husband. "Be safe!" "We're married!.... And gay!... and were virgins!" I go to (Y/N) and hug him from behind, wrapping my arms around his waist. "You're so pretty." He giggles and turns to me. "I love you." "I love you, too." We share a short kiss. "I can't believe we're married now." "Me neither." I kiss him again and he suddenly picks me up. He carries me outside the place we're the party was. We're now at a balcony. We sit side by side, our backs against the wall of the building, and he leans his head on my shoulder. "You're my husband." "Yeah...." "I can't believe it." He chuckles. "I'll make you believe it."

He stands up and runs to the railing, leaning on it, as he shouts: "My name is (Y/N) (L/N) and Gladion is my husband!" He turns to me and smiles with a blush on his cheeks. I stand up and run besides him, leaning on the railing, too. "I'm Gladion and (Y/N) is my husband!" "I'm your husband!" "I'm your husband!" "We're husbands!" I pull him for a kiss.


We reach the house and we, in fact, did not get out of the car. I pull (Y/N) to my lap and kiss him. I open my eyes and stare at his own. He gives me this stare. I softly press my tongue on his lower lip and his lips part, allowing my tongue to enter his mouth. I slide my hands down his back and to his bottom, and he pulls away. "Let's go inside, hm?" I nod and he goes to his sit. I chuckle and get out and go to open his door. I pick him up and carry him into the house and our room.

Acrostics of the moon (GladionxM!Reader)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя