Hell let loose

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Some weeks later

(Y/N)'s POV
I scroll through social media and I suddenly see someone @ me in a live video. I click the notification and my heart drops. "Hello!" I know that face... "You may not be able to hear me so well. I'm hiding right now." There's so many people viewing this... "I know you all are probably wondering who I am. My name's ///// and maybe in a different situation some of you might recognize my name. I'm (Y/N) (L/N)'s mother. I do not know if I'm gonna make it out of this. I want to publicly apologize for what me and my husband put (Y/N) through when he was a child. (Y/N), I know you are watching. I'm sorry, baby. I was meant to keep you safe. I'm sorry I couldn't protect you from that monster. I'm sorry you got hurt, I'm so sorry for everything we did. Not only am I gonna apologize, but I'm gonna expose everything he did so that he gets the punishment he deserves. He will no longer hurt you, my child. Some years ago he told me he saw you here. I started looking you up when he was gone. You've grown so much, baby. I'm sorry I couldn't be there for you. I'm so proud of you, you've grown into a fine man, if maybe I make it out of this you could present your boyfriend to me. I'd like to meet him, if not, I love you, baby. I'm so proud of you, of all the things you've achieved. I'm so sorry... now, I'm gonna list the things that man did to you before he finds m-" I turn off my phone. I feel my eyes water. I call Gladion.

"Hi, love." "I'm going to my parents house." "What?" "I need to help my mom." I hang up and start running. I was never good at running... my mom... she want to meet him. She's proud of me. She didn't call me names... I need to help her, I always needed to help her. I feel my legs starts cramping as I run through the forest. I suddenly reach what used to be my house. The paint is peeling off the walls, it has some cracks. No one has really taken care of it. I try to open the door. It's locked. I punch it and the door breaks a bit. "The wood is rotten." I push myself against the door, my shoulder hitting it first. I go through the door and fall to the many pieces of wood on the floor. I suddenly hear some sounds coming from a room. My room. I run to it and see my dad holding my mom against the wall by her neck. I run towards him and tackle him. My mom falls to the floor, while my dad falls to his side, me falling with him. I punch him on the face. "You little ******!" "What the fuck is wrong with you‽ It's been eleven years and you haven't changed one bit! I thought I was the problem! I thought you were like that 'cause you didn't want your '******' son! You're just a fucked up man, aren't you?" "Get off of me!" "You are just an alcoholic, drug addict asshole! How dare you hurt my mom‽" He pulls out a knife. "You really wanna do this again?" I smile. "Try me! Fucking try me! Try to stab me this time! Make me bandage myself as you force me to watch you r@p3 my mom! Tell me I can't help her! Tell me I'm a useless child again! Do it! Fucking do it!" I feel the knife go into my shoulder. I grab onto his wrist and squeeze it until he lets go of the knife. I pull the knife out and hit him with the handle of the knife on the side of the head and knock him out. "Fun uhm." I stab the knife back in. "(Y/N)!" I turn to the door to see Gladion. "Help me with him." He picks him up as I bandage my arm. I go to my mom and see her tearing up. "My baby..." "Mom." "You're so huge, wow, you were so little when I saw you last." "I'm sorry for not being able to protect you mom." "Don't worry, baby, you were just a kid." She pulls me into a hug.

I feel tears fill my eyes. "You were just a child, you shouldn't have gone through those things. I'm sorry, I should've left since the first time something like that happened." "I'm sorry, mom, I'm so sorry." I feel myself start crying. She hugs me and pats my back and after a while I hear police sirens, then some steps. I feel my mom let go and look up. I notice a glint in her eyes. She stands up excitedly, almost falling. "You must be Gladion!" I feel my cheeks tint a soft pink. "You're cute! How do you do your hair? How's (Y/N) with you?" "Mom!" She giggles. "Sorry sorry." "Can you you know, drive me to the hospital?" "Aw shoot. What happened?" "He may have sorta stabbed me." I hear a phone ring. Gladion pulls out his phone from his pocket and picks up. "Are you guys okay‽" "Yeah." "I just saw (Y/N) get stabbed!" "Ah yes, some things happened." "What do you mean some things happened‽ He got stabbed!" "No shit Sherlock, we're about to go to the hospital."

Small time skip

"So, you got stabbed..." "Yup." "Then you took the knife out." "Right." "And put it back in just like that." "Yes." "Didn't it hurt or something?" "Well I mean yeah, but I didn't know how long would it take to get to the hospital and I didn't really wanna bleed out." "Uhm, alright I guess." The doctor stitches the cut while Gladion sits on a chair besides me. I suddenly see the door open and my mom poking her head through. "Hi!" I starts tapping my foot on the floor until I feel Galdiontap my back. He smiles and I immediately jump and hug my mom. "Mom!" She hugs me back tightly and lets go after a bit. She walks to Gladion and looks him up and down. "How's (Y/N)?" "He's a very good boy ma'am." "How long have you known him for?" "Eleven years I think." "How long have you been together?" "Well we were together when we were fifteen but broke up and got back together recently." "That's nice. So... how were things after you left?" "Uhm well they were good I guess. Went through some stuff, I moved away after a while. I met a friend who took care of me. She got me into college, gave me a place to sleep and provided me the help I needed... uhm I have a diagnosis of PTSD, but I've gotten better with the years." "That's good." "Yeah, she really helped me."

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