It's complicated

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(Y/N)'s POV
I look at Mew as it holds its pokeball. "Don't worry, I don't mind." "Mew!" I chuckle and wave. "Bye bye." It teleports away. God I hate my fucking life. Why couldn't have died from blood loss or hunger or literally fucking anything.
Flashback ends

I sigh as I continue signing the papers. "So let me get this clear, you want to build machines to work for the people's safety?" "Kind of." "But aren't officer Jenny and the others enough?" "That's what you'd think, but it's not just for police work. A robot that works for anything that envolves safety. Not just humans' though, let's say that there's a forest fire. Boom! It can fix that! Then if a litter is stuck on a tree, boom! It can fix that, too." "No offense but I can see why it got rejected, it seems a bit too generic and it would take a whole lot of programming and building, it'd have to be very big to have all components necessary and it might scare children." "I guess you're right, so has the boss told you what you'll be working on?" "I guess on building something, but he hasn't been very clear about that." "Should I te-" "Have you finished signing the documents?" "Almost done." "Don't get too distracted." He glares at me then at my now coworker Jeff (I just wanted to put a funny name). "You should go try to finish the design, Jeff." "Yes, boss." "Do you have any Pokémon?" "How's that relevant, president?" He smiles at me. "There might be some security needs for Pokémon since there are toxic chemicals stored in the lab and precautions in case of an accident or emergency." "Right. No, I'm not carrying any Pokémon with me for the time being." "Alright." I look up from the papers and notice him staring at me. I look back down and continue signing the needed documents, waiting for his gaze to leave my face. I feel my cheeks start turning pink. "Is there something on my face?"

Gladion's POV
I look away. "No. I was just uhm looking at the papers, don't mind me." "Okayyy..." Why was I so stupid as a teenager?! "I'm done with this sheet." "Hey, that's not appropriate language for workspace." He lifts up a paper and looks at me. "Oh..." "Yeah. Here's the last one. So, are you gonna tell me what will I be working on?" "Have you ever heard that if dinosaurs were to exist in our poanet again they'd die from the lack of oxygen?" "Well yeah, I don't really see the difference between large Pokémon and dinosaurs, but yeah." "The levels of oxygen in the air have gotten lower with time because of us human's foolish actions." "Yeah, so what are we gonna do about that?" I look up at him and see a determined look on his face. God, I can see why I fell in love with him when I was younger. "We are gonna fix that." "How?" "We've been working on this idea, we have a design and all, and we've put it to test but only in smaller quantities. What if we made this machine, it replicate a plant's photosynthesis, but it would be faster, and on a greater scale, since it doesn't need to stay alive it wouldn't follow the respiration part and wouldn't take up oxygen, of course it'd have to be shut down after a certain amount of time or otherwise it could damage the environment." "I'm an engineer, not a biologist, you do realize that, right?" "We've already got the science behind it, we just need to put it to use." "Alright, then." "And you've got a degree on agricultural engineering." "Wait I do? I forgot about that! I really wasted my youth... I should've gone to parties and fucked cute dudes." He sighs and shrugs. "Aren't you 21?" "Oh wait, I'm still young!" "Please don't go fuck cute dudes and waste your youth, I need your help with this." "Right."

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