You and I?

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Three words I still somehow will not dare to say
Do you know if tonight the sun will hide?
I wonder, will you again push me aside?
I want to know, will you love me either way?

Why do you still hide in this cold and dark night?
If you come to me, I could make you feel fine
I look in your eyes to see the pretty sight
I have always been yours, when will you be mine?

Let me love you, at least one more time
Let me hold you, in the cold and scary dark
Let me be there when a monster comes in the shape of a shark
Let me love you, I won't leave you with the sour taste of a lime

(Y/N) wakes up. Has this whole story been just a dream? He tries to get out of bed only to fall to the ground. He looks a the bruises on his legs. Suddenly he feels something on his neck. He blinks and wakes up once more, his eyes feel heavy, but oh, the sight before him is one to see. For that whom he loves is right there with him.

(Y/N)'s POV
I feel something cold rub against my neck. "G-Gladion! Your nose is cold!" "Shhhh, go back to sleep." "Gladion..." "What is it, my beautiful husband?" "Are you real?" "No, I'm a hologram." "Gladion!" He laughs. "Yes, I'm real, but are YOU real?" He places his hand on my waist. "I wonder how real you are." He whispers to my ear. I turn red, meanwhile he lets his hand roam around my body. "Stop that, dumbass!" "No." He says with a small grin, he then plants a peck on my lips. I smile and stare at him blushing. "I love you, my sweet husband." "I love you more."

"I found some poems of yours." "Which ones?" "I don't know, they just appeared on the table." "That's weird." "I think they might be from when we were younger." "Really?" "They're ripped, but it's called 'everything I didn't say'." "Oh... yeah, it was just something stupid I did." "I'm sorry, (Y/N)." "You don't-" "I'm sorry but you deeply misunderstood. Because I have always loved you, and if I ever wish for someone's love it had always been yours, my sweet husband." I blush and peck his lips.  "Gladion." "Hm?" "I love you." "Really?" "Mhm." He smiles slightly, "I love you, too." "Kiss me." He pecks my forehead. I grin and a blush forms on my face. "Again." He does it again. I feel really important I this moment, like the luckiest person alive. "Gladion." "Hm?" "Has anyone ever told you... that you are very.... Gladioney?" "Huh?" "Huh?" "What?" "Yes." I giggle and kiss his cheek. "Has anyone told you they love you besides me? In a romantic way." "Nope." "Many people have to me... I feel bad about it, but for some reason I don't care about them loving me, for some reason it only feels good when you say it." He smiles. "I love love love you!" I grin and hug him tightly. "How much?" "A ton!" I grin as if I were the happiest person alive, to be honest I probably am the happiest person alive... I've got him.

"You and I for life?" He asks. It probably sounds stupid, we're married after all. The thought goes around my head... of course we're for life now, nothing will break us apart now. "You and I?" I chuckle. "It's a forever kind of thing." "Is it?" "Well of course. Or is it not?" "Are you willing to?" "Of course, aren't we married?" "Right." I kiss his lips. "Let's get married in our next life!" "Of course." "Finish the phrase: You and I..." "are married." "Nope." "Love each other." "We do, but nope." "Like each other." "Nopo." "Have major daddy issues." "Zamn, ouch." "Kissed." "Nope." "I give up." "Are gay." I stick out my tongue. "Cutie." "Muah~!" I giggle and plant a kiss on his nose. "I love you my (Y/N)." "I love you, too." "In every world." "In every world."

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