Chapter 14- Earth

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"(Y/n), wake up! Wake up! Tornado!"

I darted up, startled. Max grabbed my hand. He was panicking. I looked down and frantically pulled up my sleeve. The shark tooth bracelet was still there. Was it a dream or reality?

"It's much worse than that," Max realized.

"Linus, wake up!" Mr. Electricidad shouted. Why was he dreaming, too?

Mr. Electric appeared out of the tornado and I froze. This was really happening. This was all real. I was really Aquagirl. I knew I was Aquagirl, but sometimes it felt like a dream.

"It's Mr. Electric! From Planet Drool! The one from my dreams!" Max shouted.

"You mean... this is real? Your dream is real?" Mr. Electricidad questioned.

"Some dreams are so powerful, they become real," I explained, taking my hair out of my bun and the ponytail.

"I don't believe it," Mr. Electricidad said.

"It's right there in front of you," Max said.

"Well, I can see that! What I can't believe is, you dreamed me!" Mr. Electricidad explained.

"Sometimes, psychological figures become a part of your imagination. Other times, your imagination is so vivid that you can create an imaginary person without needing a person to base it off of," I explained.

The rain started, and I thrived in it. I pulled off my hoodie, tossing it aside. My blue t-shirt matched my eyes. I was ready to fight. Now that I was alive again, I felt like my powers were stronger.

"Okay, class. I'm just a teacher. And I'm here to inspire the answers from you. And I think that's some pretty good inspiration outside. So, this is now a pop quiz. We need to defeat that guy! Any ideas?" Mr. Electricidad asked.

Linus raised his hand. "Wow, Linus, you get a plus for being the first hand in the air!"

"I can take him," Linus said, running out to face Mr. Electric.

"Oh, no," I said, worrying about Linus. I stepped out, hiding behind the wall. I transformed, smiling. Everything was back to normal. I was real. I was alive.

I sent a barrier of water to block Linus before he could get shocked. Linus stepped back as I used the rain to my advantage. I swirled the rain around, controlling it to my will. I smiled, running the rain around my body.

"(Y/n), you're going to get hurt again!" Max screamed.

I smiled. "Not with you on my side, daydreamer."

Marissa stepped out next to me with her necklace on. We raised our hands, shooting water and ice at him. Marissa made him erupt in snowflakes. She and I made more water and ice, erupting into more snowflakes.

"Never seen kids happy in a while," I said.

"Never seen you two working together freely."

"Sharkboy!" I said excitedly, almost pouncing on him as Max ran to his parents.

"So, that's where a lot of the people come from," Lavagirl said as I calmed down.

"Yeah. Linus, the one in the purple, is Minus, Mr. Electricidad is Mr. Electric, and Marissa, the one who just saved our butts, is The Ice Princess," I explained.

"(Y/n), you forgot this at home," Max said, rushing up to me with my drawing journal.

"Thanks," I said with a smile. "These are the reasons Planet Drool looks the way it does."

"Amazing," Sharkboy complimented my drawings as I leafed through them. "Are you coming back to Planet Drool with us?"

"After we find your father, and after I get my stuff from my cave," I said, wrapping my arms around his neck.

Sharkboy grinned, leaning in for a kiss. I shook my head, motioning to the kids around us, and pulled him into a tight hug. He was so warm. I knew he wanted me to stay by his side for a while. The thought of arguing never crossed my mind.

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