Chapter 11- Frozen Time

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"We're almost to the Dream Lair!" Max screamed above the noise.

"If we're going to do this, we're going to do this now!" Sharkboy reasoned.

"How much time?" Max asked.

"We're out of time!" Sharkboy said, making Aquagirl wince. "Aqua? No, no, no, no, no! Stay awake. Stay awake."

"Just a little tired, Sharky," she mumbled, lazily catching his lips in a kiss.

He froze by the cold kiss, but realized the reality. Sharkboy helped her off of Lavagirl once they stopped. They could barely hear what Lavagirl was saying. He checked his timer.

"Five seconds!" Sharkboy said as Aquagirl caved in on herself.

"Here it goes," Max said nervously.

"Three, two, one..." Sharkboy counted.

Everything seemed to go black. They stayed there, quiet for a moment. Sharkboy crouched down, holding Aquagirl in his arms. She had white hair. Her eyes were rolled into the back of her head. Her body was icy cold. He checked her pulse, desperate to get anything from her.

She was dead.

"What happened?" Max asked.

"It didn't work," Sharkboy said, tears dripping from his eyes.

Lavagirl burst out of the ice. "I was trying to tell you. Only The Ice Princess can use it."

"It's not her fault her father won't let her leave her castle," Max argued.

"Boo-hoo," Lavagirl mocked The Ice Princess.

"I'll rip his circuits to shreds!" Sharkboy growled.

"Calm down, Sharkboy! Mr. Electric's baiting you," Lavagirl reasoned.

What they didn't realize was that Aquagirl had slipped into the freezing water below them.

"Hey, watts up? You know, watts, as in a measure of electrical power. The sixty-one bulb? Watts up?" Mr. Electric joked.

"What?" Sharkboy questioned.

"Electric eels," Mr. Electric said darkly.

"Swim away, Sharkboy, swim away!" Lavagirl shouted.

The electric eels paid no attention to Sharkboy like Mr. Electric intended to. Instead, they dove deeper into the water. Sharkboy followed them cautiously, confused. Sharkboy watched as they shocked his girl, the girl who saved him. Her body didn't move. They were shocking something that was already dead.

When they were done with her, they turned to him. Sharkboy used his speed to jump onto the ice. He shook his head, jumping back into the water. Lavagirl followed him, panicked. They carried Aquagirl to the surface, Sharkboy continuously shocked by the eels.

Max carried Aquagirl onto the ice once they appeared above the water. Sharkboy collapsed next to Aquagirl, holding her hand as he barely breathed. Lavagirl let out a loud breath next to Max.

Max cried for both of them, then a harsh sob let out for Aquagirl.

"What am I going to do now?" Max asked, hopeless.

Suddenly, Tobor's flying head appeared. He startled Max.

"What do you think you should do?" Tobor asked.

"Dream a better dream," Max whimpered.

"Interesting. Explain," Tobor said.

"I wanted all of my dreams to come true. But I only dreamed for myself. I wanted to escape my real world. And the world needed my help to make it a better place. Selfish dreams shouldn't come true," Max explained.

"You're becoming a very good dream, Max. A very good dream indeed," Tobor agreed.

"What do you do," Max asked, "when your dreams have been destroyed?"

"Dream a better dream. An unselfless dream," Tobor said, floating away.

Sharkboy suddenly darted up, startling Max. Sharkboy looked at Aquagirl, then at Lavagirl. His two friends, both dead and dead-looking. He wanted to hold his crush of so long, kiss her alive.

"She knew this would happen if she saved you. I couldn't stop her from saving both of you," Max explained.

The volcano behind them burst into flames. They turned, surprised.

"Look!" Sharkboy hissed.

"Lava," Max whispered. "We have to get her to that volcano."

"I'll go. I'm stronger and faster," Sharkboy said.

"You'll burn up," Max protested.

Sharkboy picked his best friend up. "You sure this will save her?"

"It'll do more than save her," Max assured him.

Sharkboy started running, carrying Lavagirl. Max watched them get smaller and smaller in the distance. "I know who you are, Lavagirl. You are not fire, or a simple flame. You are greater than that. Something more important. So necessary. It is why you must live."

Sharkboy got closer and closer to the volcano. "You are not destruction."

Sharkboy tossed her into the volcano, sweating. "You are not evil."

The volcano exploded. Lavagirl stood at the edge, her suit alive and her hair flaming.

"Stand back," Lavagirl said.

"You are... light."

In the distance, Mr. Electric stood in a wide area. He noticed the sudden burst of light.

He hated it.

"Who turned on the lights?" Mr. Electric demanded.

Lavagirl shot a beam of lava at the ocean, melting the icy layer. Max realized what he could do and used his super speed to stand next to Sharkboy. The latter looked at him, impressed.

"Woah! How'd you get here so fast?" Sharkboy asked.

"Aquagirl, no!" Max screamed, realizing what he had done.

The lifeless girl fell into the water. She sank, the water welcoming her as an old friend. The sea creatures seemed to recognize her. Small fish swarmed around her, jellyfish greeted her in their unique language, and sharks recognized her from her visits with Sharkboy.

A Queen.

A dolphin carried her on its back and led the others to her home. Where she learned to control her powers, where she hadn't been for two years. The pod that she slept in was covered in algae, and her prized possessions were well-buried under a layer of sand.

The ocean warmed, and the creatures took that as a good sign. The ocean was finally unfrozen. Together, the creatures laid her in the pod, her hair and suit slowly turning back to the ocean blue she was so famous for.

She took a deep breath through the gills behind her ears, taking in the salty water and the kindness of her friends.

Alive. She was alive.

The Adventures of Sharkboy, Aquagirl, and Lavagirlحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن