Chapter 10- The Crystal Heart

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We slipped through the ice passages, my body becoming colder and colder. I fizzed Lavagirl out every time she got warm. We slid down a slide until we were led into a foyer. We looked up at a mountain, a heart-like shape on top of it.

"Is that what you saw, Max?" Sharkboy asked.

"Yes. We'll have to climb the ice pillar and get it," Max instructed.

I walked forward, but Sharkboy grabbed my shoulder.

"My hands are already icy, and I'm almost completely made of water. What's the harm?" I asked.

"The harm is that you'll drop dead from the ice and exhaustion before you even hit halfway," Sharkboy snapped. "I'll go."

"It's as delicate as a snowflake, so don't drop it. And don't touch it with your hands either. You'll freeze! Use your claws," Max instructed as Sharkboy reached the top of the mountain.

Sharkboy tried to reach for it, but ended up slipping. He fell down the mountain, his fin cutting into the ice. I winced as he hung there, his fin acting as an anchor. He looked hurt.

"And my turn," I sighed, climbing the mountain.

Sharkboy handed me his gloves in defeat, making me smile and kiss his cheek as a thank you. I pulled on Sharkboy's gloves when I reached the top, careful not to slip. I grabbed it, making me smile in relief.

"Great job, Aqua," Sharkboy said before sliding further into the ice.

The sudden crack made me jump and let go of the crystal heart. Lavagirl grabbed it out of instinct and froze. I slid down and desperately tried to find a weak point. There needed to be. I needed my friend.

"She's frozen solid," Max said, frowning.

Ice giants towered over us, making me worried. They led us into the throne room, hitting Sharkboy with the back of its scepter. I wanted to tell them to cool it. Knowing my position, they wouldn't be happy that the water girl was telling the ice giants what to do.

"Kneel before The Ice Princess," the giant demanded.

I immediately kneeled, out of courtesy, but also out of the cold that swept through my body. Max looked at her, amazed. The Ice Princess was beautiful and reminded me of Marissa. Maybe that's how Max imagined her.

"You tried to steal the crystal heart. Why?" The Ice Princess asked.


"Aquagirl, you're dying," The Ice Princess noticed.

"Tell me something I don't know," I said, making her smile. "Are you doing this?"

"I would never hurt a friend," The Ice Princess assured me. "No matter how unalike we are."

"We believe the crystal heart can freeze time. Long enough for us to defeat Minus," Max said.

"My crystal heart cannot help you. Only I have the power to use it," The Ice Princess explained.

"Then come with us," Max said in disbelief.

"She can never leave this castle! The crystal is the only thing that protects our kingdom," an ice giant said.

"Please, Princess, we're running out of time," Max begged.

"Perhaps I could give it to you," The Ice Princess offered.

"Not without my blessing," the giant said.

"Father, you're smothering me again," The Ice Princess stated. "But are you worthy to wield it?"

"Yes," Max said confidently.

"The crystal you stole was the decoy. The true crystal heart is somewhere in this room. Choose the correct one, and you may carry it before you."

As she talked, pillars with crystal hearts sprouted around the room. All of them looked the same. It pained me I couldn't find a distinct one. I usually had a fantastic eye for things.

"Pick that one," Sharkboy said.

"It's around your neck," Max said after a moment.

"How d'you know?" I asked curiously.

"I saw it in my dream," Max said, walking up to The Princess.

"Usually, if you snooze, you lose. But with Max, you snooze, you win," Sharkboy said, confused.

"But, be warned, Max. If anything happens to my crystal heart, my entire kingdom will be destroyed," The Ice Princess warned.

"Do you, Max, take this crystal heart, to have and to hold, in sickness and in health, 'til death do you part?" the giant asked.

"I do," Max said.

"Do you trust him with your heart?" the giant asked The Ice Princess.

"I do," The Ice Princess agreed.

"Do you mean what you say?" the giant asked Max.

"Yes. I mean, I do," Max corrected himself.

"The crystal will now work. But my daughter must stay here. Off with you then!" the giant demanded.

"Good luck," The Ice Princess whispered, looking at me.

I reached out my hand to her, but she shook her head. "If I touch you, you'll die."

"Noted," I said, frowning.

Sharkboy wrapped an arm around my waist and walked with Max out, dragging Lavagirl behind us. I hoped I could unfreeze my friend soon. And I hoped I could save the world without dying.

The Adventures of Sharkboy, Aquagirl, and LavagirlWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu