Then they found the note.

When the stone statue in Dreamtale awakens, Dream, bring him here, he'll know what to do. If he is already awake, he'll be bright and positive, like gold.

"Dream?" Murmurs Killer.

"Dreamtale? Stone statue?" Adds Cross and then something clicks and he shoots up from crouching on the floor, causing the others attention to shift to him, "Library! If anything about an au is in there, it's in the library!"

"Right," Nods Murder with Axe and Killer and they all then run to the library. The place where Nightmare told them not to go as they might destroy it. His prized possession basically. And Cross was pretty confident that Nightmare had possibly read every single book in his huge library.

"Well, where do we start?! There are literally thousands of books here!" Killer accentuates as he throws his arms up wide to show off the room as they stepped into the library.

"I've been here before," Cross says as he just walks past a surprised Killer. Since he was the less chaotic one, nightmare would let him go into the library from time to time, "Everything is in alphabetical order,"

"So we look for a book that says Dreamtale in it? Starting with 'D' right?" Murder says and Cross shakes his head.

"Not exactly. We have to look for Stories of the Alternate Universes, starting with 'S'. That book contains the information of all Alternate universes, old and new and it keeps on updating when a new one is made, which is rare." Cross says and after a few minutes of searching, Axe speaks up,

"Found... It."

"Awsome! Alright, now we can find out what boss wrote the note for," Killer says as he drops everything in his hands which Cross catches with his gravity and glares at Killer half-heartedly, "Yeah, yeah, sorry, anyways-"

Cross cuts him off as he gently takes the book from Axe and starts flipping through the pages, looking for Dreamtale. When he finds it, he frowns. One page has Dream on it but the other is scribbled on, the name of the monster on the page is crossed out to the point it can't be deciphered and where the picture of the monster is supposed to be is ripped out. But what had caught his eye lights ppwas that below the ripped out picture was a picture of Nightmare, their boss.

Sighing, he looks at the description of the au and Dream.

Dreamtale, a story of two twins, Dream and -------. One guarded the positive apples of the tree and the other the ------- apples. (What was with the words being crossed out? Cross thought to himself as he read aloud to the others)

As he skipped through and skimmed through the story, he became horrified by what happened to Dream and the mysterious person. And as he came to the description of Dream, he brought out the note to make sure it was this Dream and nodded when it was. Then he began to read out loud,

The positive guardian of the tree, who guarded the positive apples who was turned into stone. His estimated time of breaking out is 5 centuries after turning to stone.

It wasn't that hard to connect the dots. Because in 1 month or in a few days, Dream will break out and it will be Nightmare's birthday. The book had talked about twins and there was a picture of Nightmare on the scribbled out page. But what really peaked his curiosity was that he knows that Nightmare used to look different back then because of the ripped out picture, but he just doesn't know how Nightmare looked.

Anyways, they need to get to Dreamtale. Now.

Then they hear static and Errors signature grumbles.

"What the Fuck was that?!" Error says angrily and Killer holds his hands up and looks at Cross, expecting him to explain. Cross sighs at Killer and then gives in, explaining what happened.

Wait... I'm Nightmare!? I Thought I Died!?Where stories live. Discover now