Chapter 21

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Dominic takes us up the first flight of stairs, but when I think he's going to turn off to head down to my room he surprises me and continues up the second flight of stairs up to his forbidden level that even Max warned me to stay out of. The hallway of Dominic's level has three doors, two doors on one the left side of the hall and one door at the middle of the right side of the hall. Dominic leads me over to the lone door on the right.

We enter a large bedroom, a king sized bed dominating the room. The bed is covered in a Navy spread and matching pillows, it sits on a dark wood base that matches his bedside tables. The only other piece of furniture in the room is a large arm chair that has a worn book resting on one of the arms. The floors of the bedroom are a wood paneling, and a large midtone grey rug surrounds the bed for at least a few feet on either side and out the bottom well into the middle of the room. There are two doors off to the side of the room, which I assume lead to the closet and the bathroom. There is a large wall of windows and a sliding door that leads out to a balcony.

Dominic lets go of my hand as he strolls into one of the attached rooms, minutes later reemerging in cotton pants and a t-shirt.

I look up at him from where I stand frozen in place from where he'd left me. "What am I doing here?"

"I don't think either of us should be alone right now." He tells me softly, quietly, as he walks back over to me. "We both need rest, that's all that's going to happen..."

Dominic's words cut off as I raise my hand up to gently cup his cheek. My thumb brushes against his bottom lip softly.


"Shhh." I hush him as I lean in and press my lips up to his softly. 

Dominic places his hands on my shoulders and pulls out of the kiss. "Ell, this isn't a good idea right now." His voice is barely above a whisper.

"Please." I whisper. "I need to feel something, something other than this fear and this pain." 

One of his hands leaves my shoulder as he brushes some stray hairs away from my cheek. "Ell, I don't want to do this with you if you're going to regret..."

"I won't." I cut in quickly. "Just comfort me, and let me comfort you." I look up at him through my lashes before I move in to kiss him again. I stop, hovering centimetres from his lips as I wait for his permission. Dominic gives me a small nod and I press my lips to his once again.

His lips move against mine slowly, sensually. Both of us taking our time, finding the comfort in the slowness of our actions. Dominic's hands trail down my body to hold me at my waist. His tongue swiped across my bottom lip before I opened my mouth to allow him entrance. Dominic's tongue caressed mine, dancing with it in a slow and delicate waltz. Bending down, Dominic picked me up, wrapping my legs around his waist, his hands on the backs of my upper thighs to hold me, all while not breaking our kiss. 

I wrapped my arms loosely around his neck, my hands draping down his back. I leaned against him, needing to feel more contact with him. Needing to seek the comfort that his touch provided me with.

Dominic walked us over to his bed, he sat down on the edge of the foot of the bed and held me in his lap. His hands raised from my thighs, trailing slowly up my body, sending a delightful shiver through me at his sensual touch. His hands came to stop at the collar of my knitted cardigan and pull back out of the kiss. His eyes looked at me, green and burning with desire and lust. "Can I..." He trails off.

I nod. "Please." I whisper, not trusting myself to say it any louder. 

He was being so gentle with me, asking permission to take my clothes off, asking permission for things I'd never been asked permission about. His eyes stayed locked on mine as his hands gently pushed the cardigan off my shoulders, down my arms, once it was off me Dominic tossed it to the floor. 

I moved my hands across his chest moving down his torso to stop at the hem of his shirt. My eyes met his again and he nodded. I slowly pulled the t-shirt up and over his head, tossing it behind me to the floor without looking. I leaned forward and pressed my lips softly to his collar bone.

Dominic's burning hands slid up the back of my shirt, palms flat against my back. He smiled at me softly before pressing his lips to mine, reigniting our kiss from where we'd left off. He groans against me and I can feel the bulge growing in his pants, though neither of us were in a rush to get it taken care of straight away.

This time when Dominic pulls out of the kiss his hands are at the hem of my shirt, his eyes fixed on mine as I nod to him once. He pulls my shirt off and it goes behind me to crumble with the rest of our clothes. Dominic's eyes break away from mine and trail down to my bare breasts. I watch his eyes darken. He leans forward slowly and kisses the top of each breast before he looks up at me. 

I smile at him. "Please." I whisper.

His lips curl around one of my nipples, sucking lightly for a minute before he moves over to repeat this on my other nipple. I moan lightly under his touch, feeling the satisfaction a small movement like this can bring me. Dominic releases my nipple and his lips find mine again. Kissing me passionately while remaining at our slow pace. He stands from the bed, turning around and leans down to lay me on the top of his bed. He hovers over me as he continues to kiss me, gently grinding himself into the apex of my thighs.

I moan and one of my hands leaves his chest to trail down to the waist band of his pyjama pants to indicate to him what I wanted next.

He presses a smile into my lips and I feel him nodding slowly, but making no move to break from our kiss. He continues to grind against me, pressing his ever ready member to me as much as he can with both our pants still on. Eventually Dominic pulls out of the kiss and moves to stand up at the end of the bed between my legs. His hands reach down and cup my face, his thumbs brushing against my cheeks before they begin to trail down my body. He gently palms my breasts for a minute before trailing his hands down my sides and grabs a hold of my pyjama pants and panties, I nod to him again before he continues, pulling them down my legs and off me completely. Dominic's eyes roam my body as he stands still before me. When his eyes reach mine I can see the lust and need within them. He tugs down his own pants leaving us both naked and not touching at all.

"Dominic." I whine softly, needing to feel his touch again. Needing him.

A small smile tugs at his lips. His hands trail slowly up my legs as he moved to kneel on the bed between them. Reaching his arms up he rests his forearms up next to my head, his hands caressing my face gently. Dominic's lips brush against mine almost teasingly before he captures my lips fully with his. 

I reach my hands up to get tangled in his hair as I kiss him back.

One of his hands left my face and seconds later I felt him rubbing his cock against the entrance of my sex.

A moan escapes my lips at this small touch down there.

Dominic pulls back to watch my face as he gently slides into me. His hand returns to stroke my cheek. His thrusts are slow and deliberate but still contain force within his movement. 

I bite my bottom lip to keep from moaning out.

Dominic leans forward and captures my lips with him, freeing my bottom lip from my teeth. His kisses are slow and passionate like the rest of his movements. Through our love making I feel the pressure building up inside me, this time it feels like no other I'd felt before but instead this time feels raw and euphoric as we both pour all our emotions into this.

I reach my climax seconds before Dominic. "Dominic!" I scream out his name and tug gently on his hair as my walls tighten around him and I come all around him. 

Dominic buries his face in the crook of my neck as his climax comes. "Ell." He moans out against the skin of my neck, his hands now firmly holding my face in place. I can feel him pulsating inside me as his seed shoots up into me. After a few minutes pass of us riding down from our highs, Dominic pulls his face out of my neck and kisses me hard and passionately.

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